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The present Regulations are made under the Lands Act. In particular, the Regulations provide for the control of development activities in the St. John’s Urban Region. Section 4 lays down provisions relating to the control of development and establishes that a development shall not be carried out…


The present Regulations are made under the Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000. In particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to development activities in the Benton Local Area. In this connexion section 3 establishes that a person, corporation, partnership, association or other…


The present Regulations enforces provisions of the Cooperatives Act by prescribing forms and by regulating more in detail various matters mainly relating to internal organization and procedures of cooperative societies including registration; records of a co-operative society; membership and…


The present Act provides for the continuation of the Heritage Manitoba as a body corporate consisting of the members of the board and such other persons as may become members pursuant to the by-laws. Section 9 establishes that the objects of the Foundation are, inter alia, to receive, acquire by…


The present Act implements commitments set out in the Kunst’aa Guu – Kunst’aayah Reconciliation Protocol between the Province and the Haida Nation, which was signed 11 December 2009. The decision-making framework provides for the establishment of a Management Council made up of two appointees by…


The present Act establishes the community government of Behchoko, Whatì, Gamètì, and Wekweetì, and describes their boundaries. This Act covers the composition and role of the community council, eligibility to vote, the duties of the chief, and it details the powers of these municipalities. The…


The present Act establishes that the Land Claims and Self-Government Agreement among the Tlicho and the Government of the Northwest Territories and the Government of Canada is approved, given effect and declared valid, and has the force of law. The Act also approves the Tlicho Tax Treatment…


The present Regulations are made under the Heritage Places Protection Act. For the purpose of the present Regulation “Board” means the Heritage Places Advisory Board, established by section 3 of the Act; and “Commission” means the Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission created pursuant to the…

The Sahtu Dene and Metis and Canada have negotiated this Agreement in order to meet the following objectives: a) to provide for certainty and clarity of rights to ownership and use of land and resources; b) to provide the specific rights and benefits in this agreement in exchange for the…


The present Regulations are made under the Real Property Tax Act. In particular, the Regulation lays down detailed provisions relating to the enforcement of the afore-mentioned Act in the Province. Section 5 deals with special real property tax levied under clause 12(5) of the Act and…


The present Regulations are made under the Prince Edward Island Lands Protection Act. In particular, the Regulations lay down provisions relating to different cases to which tax exemption applies. For example, section 28 lists companies eligible for such an exemption. The text consists of 35…

The purpose of this Agreement is to: a) record the Agreement of the parties for Canada to act on its intention to recommend to Parliament that the Kanesatake Mohawk Lands be reserved as lands reserved for the Mohawks of Kanesatake within the meaning of section 91(24) of the Constitution Act,…