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Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre 2010

REDD+ is a proposed mechanism to make forests more valuable living and healthy than dead or damaged. Its advocates believe it could help fix a lot of persistent problems in forest management. Its opponents fear it will make these things worse. It's too early to tell, but this brief covers…

Reports & Research
Septembre 2010

This report presents the results of extensive work of the smart green infrastructure task force commissioned by the World Bank under the Global Tiger Initiative (GTI). The report benefited from advice, ideas, and information about tigers and tiger-friendly infrastructure development from staff…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Septembre 2010

This report presents the results of extensive work of the smart green infrastructure task force commissioned by the World Bank under the Global Tiger Initiative (GTI). The report benefited from advice, ideas, and information about tigers and tiger-friendly infrastructure development from staff…

Reports & Research
Août 2010

Violent conflict affects three quarters of Asia’s forests and tens of millions of people. In Cambodia, for example, nearly half of the 236 land conflicts recorded in 2009 escalated to violence. Because forest conflict is such a major issue in the region, we need a better understanding of the…

Institutional & promotional materials
Août 2010

For RECOFTC, the highlight of the past year has been the launch of its Third Strategic Plan, which covers the five years from 2008 to 2013. The plan has the title ‘People and Forests in a Time of Change: Strengthening Capacities for Community Forestry to Respond.’ This report looks at the…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Août 2010

A single word can describe the history of forest management in the region: conflict. Too often this happens because local people are excluded from decision-making and the benefits of forest management. REDD+ is a proposed mechanism to make forests more valuable standing than destroyed. This…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Août 2010

Forests in Asia-Pacific are under threat. That's not a new story, though it becomes more important with every lost hectare and every family denied their means of survival. The big new question that journalists should be asking themselves, and their sources, is what climate change means for…

Reports & Research
Août 2010

The Project on Commune Agroecosystem Analysis to Support Decision Making for Water Allocation
for Fisheries and Agriculture in the Tonle Sap Wetland System was undertaken with the aim of
improving fisheries considerations in the Commune Agroecosystem Analysis (CAEA) process

Reports & Research
Juillet 2010

Trends and Emerging Needs for 2020, Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study II
Tremendous social and economic changes are taking place in the Asia-Pacific region, and hopes are growing that a long awaited reconciliation of tensions between environment and development is a possibility.…

Reports & Research
Juillet 2010

The project validated and disseminated a large number of improved rice-based cropping systems technologies suited to upland agro-ecologies. These improved technologies have good potentials to raise the productivity of water, land, and labor. The innovative strategies employed by the project…

Training Resources & Tools
Juin 2010

This guide intends to assist forestry lecturers in Southeast Asia in developing their forest policy curricula with a particular focus on policy analysis. As an initial step in this direction, it is hoped that lecturers will use the guide to tailor their courses to the specific requirements of…

Reports & Research
Juin 2010

The project specific objectives were threefold: (i) Methodological development by
offering tools and a methodology for their use to enhance the capacity of expression of stakeholders’ perceptions, to facilitate their collective assessment of water management problems, and to improve…