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These Regulations the licensing of exploration operations in accordance with the National Museums and Heritage Act, 2006 and provides rules for such exploration. The Regulations provide, among other things, that licensee shall not enter into any land, execute any works or destroy or interfere…


This Act concerns rules to be enacted in place of common law regarding the liability of an occupier of premises or other persons in relation with that premises. The Act also defines the “common duty of care” of an occupier, defines the effects of a contract on third party liability of an…


These Rules concern access and activities in all open spaces, protected areas, national monuments, protected buildings and areas of cultural, natural or national heritage declared as such by the Minister for the purposes of the Act. They prohibit the picking of fruit, damaging of trees,…


This Resolution authorizes the request for conversion of provisional authorization into definitive Right of Land Use and Exploitation (DUAT) for the silvo-forestry activities on behalf of the Company Niassa Forests Ltd, concerning an area of 34,227.15 hectares, located in the administrative post…


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Eight Schedule made under section 45A (3). This provision prescribes that a deed of transfer referred to in the Eighth Schedule shall be exempt from duty or taxes leviable under the appropriate Part or Parts specified in that…


La présente loi supprime le pourvoi en cassation contre les jugements rendus dans les affaires aux terres rurales (terres situées dans les périmètres des circonscriptions non déclarées urbaines par les services compétents).


This Order restores the Lands (Ground Rent and Fees) Regulations which were revoked by the Lands (Ground Rent, Fees and Charges) Regulations, 2010 (Revocation) Order, 2010 (Statutory Instrument No. 27 of 2010).
Amends: Lands (Ground Rent and Fees) Regulations (Cap. 184). (2006)


La présente ordonnance régit le Règlement d'Ordre Intérieur de la Cour Spéciale des Terres et Autres Biens. Elle définit l'organisation et du fonctionnement de la Cour Spéciale des Terres et Autres Biens; le greffe de la cour; l'inscription au rôle, de la tenue des registres et…


This Act amends, among other things, the Land Act, 1999. Section 23 is amended by deleting word "two years" appearing in paragraph (b) of subsection (5) and substituting for it the word "five years." and a new savings provision in inserted. Section 23 concerns residential…


Le présent arrêté porte institution d'une commission spéciale chargée de résoudre les litiges fonciers prévue par l'article 20 de la loi nº 60-004 du 15 février 1960 dans les propriétés de grande superficies, immatriculées au nom de l'Etat malagasy, sises dans la province autonome…


This Order declares the areas, places or premises described in the Schedule to be protected areas for purposes of the Protected Areas Act and stipulates that no person shall be in those areas without permission of the prescribed authority or the Cabinet Secretary for Defence.


This Decree, approving the institutional Consulting Forum on Land, regulates the Forum, entitled to give advice on land, land access and land use management. The representation of this institution is composed by governmental institutions, civil society organizations, groups of interest, local…