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This Notice provides for the assignment of powers and duties vested in the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry under the National Forests Act, 1998 to SANParks. Powers include: power to issue licences to: cut, disturb, damage or destroy any indigenous, living tree in a natural forest, possess…

This Notice extends the being into force of provisions of the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act, 1996.
Amends: Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act, 1996 (No. 1057 of 1996). (1997-04-05)


This Resolution is composed of two articles and one annex. It approves the Treaty on the Demarcation of the Border between Angola and Namibia. The annexed Treaty is composed of eight articles and three annexes. It defines the borders between the two States and regulates the resolution of…


This Act makes provision for the administration of estates of deceased persons, of persons that need or are granted protection by law and all property given in trust by deceased persons. This Act shall not apply to the estates of deceased tribesmen, which as heretofore, shall be administered…


This Order delegates the functions conferred on the President by section 11 (2) of the Tribal Land Act for the purpose of giving directions of a general or specific character to any land board in the formulation of policy relating to the exercise of its functions under the Act, to the Minister…


This Act confirms the full, free and undisturbed possession of Tati Concessions, Ltd. as owners of all the land within the Tati District subject to all the terms and conditions of this Act and in accordance with the present and future legislation. The Company shall have the right to minerals in…


This Act makes provision for various matters relating to the activity of exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources in Botswana including licensing, control, surface rights, survey of wells, protection of the environment and compulsory acquisition of land.The Act sets out criteria and…


This Act concerns the ascertainment and application of customary law in Botswana."Customary law" means, in relation to any particular tribe or tribal community, the customary law of that tribe or community so far as it is not incompatible with the provisions of any written law or…


This Act sets out rules for the acquisition, by agreement or compulsory, of immovable property or leasehold on immovable property by the President of Botswana on behalf of the State and for compensation for loss of property.The Act sets out the procedures for acquisition and provides for the…


The purpose of this Act is to give legal effect to an agreement entered into between the President of Botswana and a specified tribe so as to transfer to and vest in the President, on behalf of the Republic of Botswana, all the right, title and interest of the tribe to pieces of land referred to…


This Act provides for certain conditions regarding occupation of land by the State and other occupiers and the change in the form of title in land by mutual consent and surrender or abandon such land by the owner. It the stipulates that the owner of any immovable property or any person…


These Regulations, made under the Tribal Land Act, concern the administration of tribal land and related matters.The Regulations provide for the constitution and abolition of Land Board Offices by the Director appointed under the Act and for the establishment of Land boards consultative…