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These Regulations amend the Regulations made under the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 in regulation concerning the organization of the sectional title register and in Annexure 1 concerning a form to be prepared by the Conveyancer regarding sectional mortgage bonds
Amends: Regulations made…


This Act amends the Deeds Registries Act 1937 in provisions concerning, among other things: the definition of " deeds registry"; the issuing of a certificate of title to replace a lost or destroyed deed; and change of deeds.
Amends: Deeds Registries Act. (2000)


Various minor amendments are made subsequent to the deletion of the word “licence” in section 2, citizens eligible under section 6, consents for changes in interests in land (sect. 35), decisions of the Minister to withhold consent (sect. 36), granting of leases subject to a development scheme (…


The Act amends certain provisions of the Expropriation Act of 1975 relating to the tariffs of court and other fees in connection with the proceedings before compensation courts.
Amends: Expropriation Act 1975 (No. 63 of 1975). (1975-06-20)


Persons or communities contemplated in section 121(2) of the Constitution are entitled to enforce restitution of a right in land (sect. 2). A person shall be entitled to claim title in land if the claimant, or his, her or its antecedents was prevented from obtaining or retaining title in the…


"Labour tenant" is defined in section 1 as a person who: (a) is residing or has the right to reside on a farm; (b) who has or has had the right to use cropping or grazing land on the farm, referred to in paragraph (a), or another farm of the owner, and in consideration of such right…


This Act amends certain definitions and expressions of the 1975 Expropriation Act; it extends the power to expropriate to any minister responsible for the administration of works and land affairs; restricts expropriation by Transnet to expropriation under the Legal Succession to the South…


This Act amends the Expropriation Act of 1975 in order to replace certain official designations; to delete certain obsolete expressions and references; to make new provision regarding the rate at which interest is payable on outstanding amounts of compensation; to delete the rules according to…


These Regulations amend the Regulations made under the Sectional Titles Act, 1986 with respect to documents to be registered in the sectional title register (reg. 13); acceptance of responsibility for correctness of facts presented for registration (reg. 16C); description and numbering of…


This Act amends the Sectional Titles Act in provisions concerning, among other things: the registration of a sectional mortgage bond (as defined by this Act); certificates of registered sectional title or real right; and purchase of common property by a body corporate.
Amends: Sectional…


This Act makes provision with respect to the recognition of tribes and certain matters regarding the administration of tribes, i.e. the institution of traditional leadership by a person designated by the tribe and recognized by the Minister.The Act, among other things, sets out the procedures…


The Land and Agricultural Bank is a body corporate and shall be controlled by a Board of Directors appointed by the Minister (sects. 3 and 4). The objects of the Bank shall be the promotion, facilitation and support of; (a) equitable ownership of land by historically disadvantaged persons; (b)…