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Reports & Research
Novembre 2001

A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2001

The former socialist countries of Eastern Europe (that is, Europe east of Germany and west of the Urals, but including all of Russia) began a transition to a market economy in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. This paper looks at one aspect of that transition: the transition from state ownership…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2001

This country outlook document examines the state of forestry in Botswana today and lists the key drivers of change. Important institutional and legislative reforms that are required to achieve a successful outcome are identified.

Reports & Research
Novembre 2001

The paper briefly reviews the mandates and main activities of some major governmental and non-governmental international organizations concerned with the management of forest genetic resources, and the role that such organizations play in this field. It is noted that national forest genetic…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2001

The future state of forestry in Angola is assessed in this report in the light of prevailing factors influencing its development. Implications for industry, society and the environment are discussed.

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2001
Reports & Research
Novembre 2001

The current publication «State of the Forest Genetic Resources in The Gambia» is issue of country national report presented at The Sub- Regional Workshop FAO/IPGRI/ICRAF on the conservation, management, sustainable utilization and enhancement of forest genetic resources in Sahelian and North-…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2001

A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2001
Reports & Research
Novembre 2001

The topic of gender relations in the context of conflict covers highly sensitive terrain, not only within the war-torn society, but for intervening institutions. Like other international humanitarian agencies, Oxfam Great Britain (GB) has faced difficult questions about whether its presence has…

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2001

Document technique de la FAO sur les pêches et l'aquaculture 411. Ce rapport, constitué de 23 études, décrit comment les attributions initiales de quotas de pêche (effort) ou de pêche (captures) transférables ont été effectuées dans le cadre de différents régimes de gestion des pêches à…

Journal Articles & Books
Octobre 2001

FAO Documento técnico de pesca 411: El informe, que consiste en 23 estudios, describe la forma en que se ha llevado a cabo la asignación inicial de las cuotas de esfuerzo transferibles o de captura con arreglo a los distintos regímenes pesqueros en diversas regiones del mundo.Disponibles solo en…