A discussion of the status of forestry in the South Pacific nations, with an overview by country followed by a treatment of the overall resource base, the state of wood industries and the current trends in policy and legislation.
This report reviews the outlook for the supply and demand of roundwood and forest products, and the balance between the two until 2020, while taking into account recycling, energy and trade issues. It covers the forest and forest products sector, including the forest itself, as well as…
The late 20th century has witnessed increasing crises in the world's marine fisheries. A causal analysis of these reveals that a common element are various manifestations of spatial inequity. This most frequently includes the inequity of access rights to the resource, but factors such as…
Reunión Regional de Ministros y Autoridades Máximas del Sector de la Vivienda y Urbanismo de América Latina y el Caribe
La presente Ley de Ordenación Agraria y Desarrollo Rural, tiene por finalidad mejorar las explotaciones agrarias de la región, reordenando su base territorial e incrementando con ello su rentabilidad en orden al cumplimiento de la función social de la propiedad de la tierra, tendiendo al óptimo…
Given the monumental challenges facing today's world - widespread poverty, urban blight, illiteracy, tropical deforestation and the threat of nuclear war, to name only a few - it may seem quite irrelevant to devote an issue of Unasylva to the rather tame-sounding subject of urban forestry.…
The pressing need for increased agricultural production in the years ahead can only be met by more efficient use of our land and water resources including more widespread and better irrigation in those regions where rainfall is inadequate. Production gains will be shortlived unless the attendant…