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Reports & Research
Décembre 2010

The CPWF was designed to be different. Developed in response to a call for change in a previous round of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system
reform, the CPWF was intended to foster cross-CGIAR cooperation and find ways to bring in new partners. Over…

Reports & Research
Décembre 2010

IN response to an on-line survey, 76 project leaders and staff gave CPWF Phase 1 a
generally favorable review. Respondents came from 68 CPWF projects in 45 countries on
three continents. The survey sought to help learn what went well in Phase 1, what did not
go so well and can…

Reports & Research
Décembre 2010

This paper applies the principles of water-use accounts, developed in the first of
the series, to the Nile River basin in Northeast Africa. The Nile and its tributaries
flow though nine countries. The White Nile flows though Uganda, Sudan, and Egypt.
The Blue Nile starts in…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2010

As water becomes scarcer in many countries, governments increasingly have to deal with the considerable challenges of water management. Sound information on water vailability and use is key to shaping water policies that aim to provide equitable and sustainable use of increasingly scarce water…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2010

For over a decade, the globalisation of environmental, economic and social issues has induced rapid modification in agriculture and land. These changes raise the question of future extensive livestock systems in regards to the worldwide challenge to double livestock production by 2050 in ways…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2010

We propose a flexible and adaptable framework to assist the quick design of models dealing with the durability of the extensive livestock systems at the territorial scale. This metamodel results from the collaborative design starting from MAS developed on 7 sites in Latin America, France and…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2010

We propose a flexible and adaptable framework to assist the quick design of models dealing with the durability of the extensive livestock systems at the territorial scale. This metamodel results from the collaborative design starting from MAS developed on 7 sites in Latin America, France and…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2010

For over a decade, the globalisation of environmental, economic and social issues has induced rapid modification in agriculture and land. These changes raise the question of future extensive livestock systems in regards to the worldwide challenge to double livestock production by 2050 in ways…

Agreements & Contracts
Décembre 2010

This is a Land Lease Agreement,Translated Contract posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Cotton,Nut crops as the…

Agreements & Contracts
Décembre 2010

This is a Land Lease Agreement posted on <a href=""></a&gt;. It lists Cotton as the primary resource(s)