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Displaying 697 - 708 of 2449
Reports & Research
Novembre 2016

This report identifies land conflict drivers and land-related disputes as well as grievance mechanisms and how LIFTs activities interact with these;including recommendations to reform the relevant grievance redress mechanisms..This resource was published in the frame of the Land Investment for…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2016

This summary of LIFTs Rapid Assessment identifies land conflict drivers and land-related disputes as well as grievance mechanisms and how LIFTs activities interact with these;including recommendations to reform the relevant grievance redress mechanisms..This resource was published in the frame…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2016

Pastoralist Areas Resilience Improvement
through Market Expansion (PRIME) showed a
notable decrease in emission intensity (GHG
emissions per unit of meat or milk). PRIME
enabled farmers to increase production
significantly, between 24% and 96%, which led
to a…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2016

This issue paper No. 6 of the Rangelands Series consolidates a set of case studies which document how pastoralists plan landvand resource use in pastoral and agro-pastoral areas of Ethiopia. 

These case studies are drawn from the regional states of Afar, Somali, Southern Nations,…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2016

Prospects for Livestock-Based Livelihoods in Africa’s Drylands examines the challenges and opportunities facing the livestock sector and the people who depend on livestock in the dryland regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. It presents a novel way of thinking about pastoral development, grounded in a…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2016

Prospects for Livestock-Based Livelihoods in Africa’s Drylands examines the challenges and opportunities facing the livestock sector and the people who depend on livestock in the dryland regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. It presents a novel way of thinking about pastoral development, grounded in a…

Reports & Research
Octobre 2016

Cette publication présente les messages clés de la FAO sur le changement climatique et la sécurité alimentaire. Elle inclut des exemples du travail de la FAO pour aider les pays à s’adapter aux effets du changement climatique sur les secteurs agricoles. Elle rassemble les connaissances de la FAO…