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This Law makes provisions with respect to the collection and disposal of information in relation to private land. It sets forth the administrative procedures to be followed by landowners in order to declare and register their properties into the National Cadastre.


This Decree declares the land areas of 11 communes (listed in the text) under cadastral survey in order to be included in the Official National Cadastre.

International Conventions or Treaties

This Protocol is composed of 4 articles. In the field of agriculture policy, plant production, plant protection, animal production and breeding, animal health, land management, land reclamation, agriculture research and extension, fisheries and aquaculture, food industry, forestry and natural…


The Law provides for land cadastre registration and the creation of the National Cadastre. It sets forth extensively the administrative procedures (up to the initial registrations of properties at the land logbooks) and lay down the guidelines for dispute settlements.
Amends: Law No. 1647…


This Law provides for the institution of the national Cadastre and Survey Organization, its functions and powers, involving activities dedicated to the management of cartography and topography of land. It is a public organization under the responsibility of the Ministry for the Environment,…


The institutional frame that conditions today the institution and operation of professional laboratories and manufactures in the basin of Attica, it is radically reformed with Law 2965/2001. This Law comes forth to abrogate the Presidential Order No. 84 of 1984 which for more than fifteen years…


This Law encourages young people to become farmers by setting provisions regarding special taxation policy for agricultural land, especially for inherited agricultural land.
Amended by: Law No. 2538 amending the current legislation on the agricultural and veterinary pharmaceuticals,…


With this Order, the following competences of the Minister of Environment are transferred to the General Secretary of the Prefecture of Central Macedonia: approval of physical planning and built-up appropriateness of land areas belonging to building cooperatives; approval of master plans of…


This Order declares plots of land, being already expropriated, as public land. The topographic diagrams delineating the plots’ extension are attached to the Order.

International Conventions or Treaties

The third meeting of the Greek-Turkish Joint Committee on environmental cooperation was held in Athens with the participation of officials and experts from both sides. The list of delegations is attached herewith. The fields of energy, marine pollution, pollution prevention of the river Evros/…

International Conventions or Treaties

By virtue of this Agreement the Parties aim at the protection of the ecosystem and sustainable development of the Prespa Park Area. Cooperation includes the prudent management of water quality and quantity of the Prespa Lakes; pollution prevention of control; biodiversity protection; protection…


Aim of this law is the enactment of fundamental principles, the establishment of modern governing bodies, processes and means for land and spatial planning in order to promote sustainable development, guarantee productive and social cohesion, ensure the protection of the environment in the…