Pastoral mobility is seen as the most effective strategy to make use of constantly shifting resources. However, mobile pastoralism as a highly-valued strategy to manage grazing areas and exploit resource variability is becoming more complex, due to recurrent droughts, loss of forage, government-…
Rangelands throughout sub-Saharan Africa are currently undergoing two major pressures: climate change (through altered rainfall and seasonality patterns) and habitat fragmentation (brought by land use change driven by land demand for agriculture and conservation). Here we explore these…
This paper addresses pastoral resilience by drawing out the coping strategies and mechanisms utilized by the Maasai Pastoralists through a food system approach, based on the study findings of an anthropological study of pastoralism as a food system in Laikipia County, Rift Valley, Kenya. The co-…
Increase the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations – Mongolia is a country factsheet that provides information on the project “Increase the use of the VGGT among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations”, a general overview of…
Pour la première fois, les besoins et les opportunités de restauration des terres dans le cadre de la Grande Muraille Verte africaine ont été cartographiés et quantifiés afin de promouvoir les actions visant à renforcer la résilience des populations et de ces paysages confrontés au changement…
This brochure presents FAO’s work on mainstreaming biodiversity as a cross-cutting theme in the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors. It provides examples of on-the-ground activities and highlights relevant international mechanisms. It shows how biodiversity and ecosystems benefit people…
This country profile describes the state of the water resources and water use, as well as the state of agricultural water management in Uganda. The aim of this report is to describe the particularities of the country and the problems met in the development of the water resources, and irrigation…
This country profile describes the state of the water resources and water use, as well as the state of agricultural water management in Somalia. The aim of this report is to describe the particularities of the country and the problems met in the development of the water resources, and irrigation…
Increase the use of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations – Malawi is a country factsheet that provides information on the project “Increase the use of the VGGT among CSOs and Grassroots Organizations”, a general overview of…
A stalemate over activation of an online platform that may exclude lawyers from the multi-billion shilling land conveyancing business has been referred to a soon-to-be formed taskforce.
The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) and Land secretary Farida Karoney agreed on an all stakeholders’…