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Section 127E: when a tree or part of it is potentially damaging a building, the Council Chairman may require that the owner or tenant of the land where that tree is standing on to provide for it being felled whole or in part.
Amends: Urban Councils Ordinance. (1979)


The following Sections of the principal enactment are thereby amended: Sections 55, 63, 96, 101 and the First Schedule (minor amendments).


The Act amends Sections 8,10,29; it inserts a new Section 82A and repeals 1st and 3rd Schedules of the principal enactement.
Amends: Partition Law. (1977-12-15)


The Ordinance provides for the institution of Urban Councils on land for the purpose of town development. The Ordinance is divided in ten parts as follows: Part I, Constitution of Urban Council. Part II, Status, powers and Duties of urban Councils. Part III, Powers and Duties as to thoroughfares…


Sections 8, 19, 37 and 63 are amended as per minor variations in the text.
Amends: Tea Control Act. (1975)


The Long title is changed as per possession, sale, transport; Section 16A is added , dealing with the provisions for transporting tea; Section 45 has been replaced with new text and provides penalties to offences under this Act; Section 48 of the principal enactment is repealed and replaced by a…


Section 17A is added and provides for a registered Tea Small Holdings Society to institute its corporate body, possess a common seal and its registration being published in the Official Gazette as notification of the competent authority.
Amends: Tea Small Holdings Development Law. (1975-09…


Section 15 is amended and provides for the registration of the Tea Small Holdings Societies.
Amends: Tea Small Holdings Development Law. (1975-09-09)


The Act rules provisions for reclamation of land to be destined to the realization of urban development projects.
Implemented by: Order declaring that the Lands in Ward No. 34 Thimbirigasyaya, Colombo District urgently require an urban Development Project. (2014-02-10)
Implemented by…


The Ordinance provides for the institution of Village Councils for the purpose of town development and endorses them with the power to order surveys and dispose of the land, to redistribute it between adjacent villages and to issue land taxes or levyand to provide for all related matters, legal…


The Ordinance provides for planning projects in order to improve the use of lands, their redistribution, the erection of infrastructures and further advance the development of urban areas.
Implemented by: Order declaring Ambalanthota Girihandu Raja Maha Vihara as Sacred Area. (2010-03-31)…


Act No. 58 of 1979 is amended by repealing Paragraph c of Sub-section 3 of Section 21 and by repealing and substituting Sub-section 1 of Section 29 of the already amended version of this Section as per the Agrarian Services (Amendment) Act, No. 9 of 1990.
Amends: Agrarian Services Act 1979…