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Recognition of customary tenure in the forest landscapes of the Mekong region
Documents de politique et mémoires
mai 2024
Asia du sud-est
Viet Nam

The policy brief, one of four briefs on the agrarian transition in the Mekong region, explores initiatives and pathways forward to recognise customary tenure arrangements and rights over forest areas in the region. More than 70 million people in the region depend on forest areas but lack formal legal rights to use, manage, and benefit from them.

janvier 2024

Many policy makers and academics striving for more gender equality consider joint property rights as preferable over sole rights, since the latter often discriminate against women. Several governments in low-, middle- and high-income countries have therefore imposed joint rights through modifications of statutory law or mandatory joint property registration.

janvier 2024

Many policy makers and academics striving for more gender equality consider joint property rights as preferable over sole rights, since the latter often discriminate against women. Several governments in low-, middle- and high-income countries have therefore imposed joint rights through modifications of statutory law or mandatory joint property registration.

Rapports et recherches
Documents de politique et mémoires
septembre 2023

Les politiques de développement agricole en Asie du Sud-Est s’accompagnent très souvent de mutations foncières qui ont deux visages complémentaires : concentration foncière et exclusion.

En modifiant les perspectives de valorisation du foncier, les investissements dans l’irrigation tendent à renforcer ces tendances.

Customary Tenure in the Forest Landscapes of the Mekong
Publication évaluée par des pairs
avril 2023
Asia du sud-est
Viet Nam
janvier 2023

As part of the CGIAR initiative Asian Mega-Deltas, a scoping study was completed by the end of 2022 to prioritize key delta-oriented production systems and value chains in Myanmar's Ayeyarwady Delta (Gonsalves et al. 2022).

Publication évaluée par des pairs
janvier 2023

The influx of nearly a million refugees from Myanmar’s Rakhine state to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, in August 2017 put significant pressure on the regional landscape leading to land degradation due to biomass removal to provide shelter and fuel energy and posed critical challenges for both host and displaced population.

janvier 2023

As part of the CGIAR initiative Asian Mega-Deltas, a scoping study was completed by the end of 2022 to prioritize key delta-oriented production systems and value chains in Myanmar's Ayeyarwady Delta (Gonsalves et al. 2022).

Publication évaluée par des pairs
janvier 2023

The influx of nearly a million refugees from Myanmar’s Rakhine state to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, in August 2017 put significant pressure on the regional landscape leading to land degradation due to biomass removal to provide shelter and fuel energy and posed critical challenges for both host and displaced population.

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