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Reports & Research
Décembre 2011

* The Burma Army continued attacks against the Kachin people and every day there is shelling from attacking Burma Army units. There has been no ceasefire by the Burma Army troops in this area.
* There are over 30,000 displaced Kachin villagers now in hiding.

Reports & Research
Décembre 2011

CURRENT SITUATION: "Instability in Kachin and Shan States restarted in early June 2011 and resulted in the displacement of populations, loss of lives and livelihoods and dam-ages to infrastructure. Following a Government invi-tation, an inter-agency rapid needs assessment was conducted from…

Reports & Research
Décembre 2011

Since a new quasi-parliamentary government led by former army officers began work in Burma (Myanmar) earlier this year, some observers have argued that the government is showing a commitment to bring about, albeit cautiously, reforms that will result in an overall improvement in human rights…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2011

Land Tenure Working Paper 20. This paper presents an analysis of communal tenure and its role for natural resource management system, in different contexts of selected Asian countries. The current market driven pressures on natural resources create both challenges and opportunities for…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Novembre 2011

With 48% forest cover, the Greater Mekong Subregion still has large areas of forest remaining. The area of primary forest is, however, low and falling, while large tracts of forest are highly degraded and forest planting rates remain low in most countries. Reinvestment in forests is necessary to…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2011

La sécurité de la tenure est une condition essentielle à la gestion durable des forêts. La diversification des systèmes de tenure pourrait servir de base à l’amélioration de l’aménagement forestier et des moyens d’existence locaux, en particulier là où l’Etat ne dispose pas des moyens…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2011

Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 20. Este documento analiza las características del régimen comunal y su función en el sistema de gestión de los recursos naturales en diferentes contextos de algunos países asiáticos. Las presiones actuales del mercado sobre los recursos…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2011

This training manual is for people working in natural disaster risk management and response as well as for people who work in the land tenure sector. In a self-training format this publication aims to provide an overview of the major land tenure issues that may arise following a natural disaster…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2011

Este manual de capacitación está destinado a personas que trabajan tanto en la gestión de riesgos y respuesta a los desastres naturales, como aquéllas que trabajan en el sector de la tenencia de la tierra. Mediante un formato de auto-capacitación, esta publicación tiene como objetivo brindar una…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2011

Ce manuel de formation est destiné tant aux personnes qui travaillent dans la gestion des risques naturels et la réponse aux catastrophes qu’aux personnes qui travaillent dans le domaine de la gestion foncière. En utilisant un format d'auto-formation, cette publication vise à fournir un…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2011

Document de travail sur les régimes fonciers 20. Ce document analyse les caractéristiques des systèmes de propriété communale dans divers pays d’Asie. Les pressions actuelles du marché sur les ressources naturelles créent à la fois des défis et des opportunités pour les communautés et pour les…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2011

This publications showcases final short papers from 2011 graduates of CPCS’ Applied Conflict Transformation Master’s Course that we offer in cooperation with the Pannasastra University in Phnom Penh..."....."....In the following chapters an array of issues are tackled resulting in a…