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Reports & Research
Septembre 2008

Antipersonnel landmines continued to be deployed in significant numbers in Burma during 2007, despite a growing international consensus that the use of landmines is unacceptable and that their use should be unconditionally ceased. As of mid-August 2007, 155 countries, or 80 percent of the world’…

Reports & Research
Août 2008

Chapter Navigation
Arbitrary Detention and Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances | Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment | Extra-Judicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions | Landmines | Forced Labour and Forced Conscription | Deprivation of Livelihood |…

Reports & Research
Juillet 2008

Gas and oil companies are using offshore tax havens to disguise their investments in Burma...
"BANGKOK — GAS and oil companies are using British offshore tax havens in the Caribbean and Bermuda to disguise their investments in Burma, avoiding international sanctions and public…

Reports & Research
Juillet 2008

In military-ruled Burma, also known as Myanmar, large-scale natural gas
projects have directly and indirectly led to violations of basic human rights
through the complicity of multinational corporate actors. These abuses are
ongoing and there is an unreasonably high risk they…

Reports & Research
Juin 2008

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: "The military regime of Burma has been consistent in their inability and unwillingness to protect and provide for the people of Burma. Burma’s human rights record provides testimony of decades of widespread violations and abuses perpetrated largely at the hands of Burma’s…

Reports & Research
Juin 2008

Executive Summary:
"A team of Karen researchers from the Karen Environmental and Social Action
Network has undertaken this study to begin documentation of the rich
biodiversity of Khoe Kay, a bend in the Salween River that is part of their
homeland. They also want…

Reports & Research
Juin 2008

A Japanese study illustrates how farmers created an agricultural market in spite of the military government’s bureaucrats...
"Economic Disparity in Rural Myanmar" by Ikuko Okamoto. National University of Singapore Press, 2008...
"THE devastation caused by Cyclone…

Reports & Research
Avril 2008

Critics dismiss Asean plan for free movement of labor...
"DESPITE the high-minded ideals of the Asean Vision 2020 plan launched more than a decade ago by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean), cynics continue to dismiss its aim of labor mobility in a “community of caring…

Reports & Research
Avril 2008

In the face of continuing grave violations of human rights
by the Burmese government against its own civilians, it is
imperative that the international community start to
respond to Burma in terms of the Responsibility to Protect
(R2P) principle...

Reports & Research
Avril 2008

Much of what is happening in the conflict zones of
eastern Burma is difficult to capture with photos, video
and reports. It is a slow and insidious strangulation of the
population rather than an all-out effort to crush them...

Reports & Research
Avril 2008

Most Burmese people fleeing their homes do so for a combination of reasons. The root causes for leaving, however,
determine which ‘category’ they belong to: ‘internally displaced persons’ (IDPs) or ‘economic migrants’. There is
some discussion as to whether people leaving their homes…

Reports & Research
Avril 2008

Burma/Myanmar has suffered
from two decades of mine
warfare by both the State Peace
and Development Council and
ethnic-based insurgents. There
are no humanitarian demining
programmes within the country.
It is no surprise that those states
in Burma/…