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Reports & Research
Septembre 2005

"The Thailand Burma Border Consortium (TBBC) first collaborated with communitybased
organizations to document the scale and distribution of internal displacement
in Eastern Burma during 2002. Two years later, another survey was coordinated to

Reports & Research
Septembre 2005

Key developments since May 2004: Myanmar"atrocity demining") was reported in 2004-2005, as in previous years. No humanitarian mine clearance has taken place in Burma. No military or village demining has been reported since May 2004. At a UNHCR seminar in November 2004, the mine threat…

Reports & Research
Septembre 2005

Big companies push small prospectors aside in hunt for Burma’s riches...
"In Alice in Wonderland, the Red Queen tells Alice: “A word means what I want it to mean.” That sums up in one sentence the state of Burma’s statute books—particularly those decrees relating to mining the country…

Reports & Research
Août 2005

People from Burma have been entering Thailand since the Ne Win coup in 1962. Most of these people have fled civil war, hunger, poverty, unemployment and political oppression. A significant proportion of these Burmese are employed in the lower rungs of the Thai labour…

Reports & Research
Août 2005

Landmines take a heavy toll in lives and livelihoods...
"A dozen or so years ago, Mee Reh was helping to secure a rebel-held area of Burma’s eastern Karenni State with landmines. Today he is helping to secure a new life for landmine victims.
Mee Reh, 38, is one of 11 workers…

Reports & Research
Août 2005

...Burma’s State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) military junta claims to be implementing peace and development in Karen regions, but civilians in Toungoo District of northern Karen State say they are facing instead brutal treatment aimed at asserting military control. An example of SPDC-…

Reports & Research
Juillet 2005

Millions of people from Burma have migrated into neighboring countries over the past decade.
Most have left their country in search of security and safety as a direct result of internal conflict
and militarization, severe economic hardship and minority persecution.…

Reports & Research
Juin 2005

Karen Internally Displaced Persons wonder when they will be able to go home...
"Sitting in his new bamboo hut in Ler Per Her camp for Internally Displaced Persons, located on the bank of Thailand’s Moei River near the border with Burma, Phar The Tai—a skinny, tough-looking man of 60…

Reports & Research
Juin 2005

...The immense violence that has been inflicted upon civilians throughout the world from anti-personnel landmines has led to the growing international acceptance of the necessity of their eradication. On 5 December 1997, in response to this realization, 122 countries came together and signed the…

Reports & Research
Juin 2005

...While the nonviolent struggle of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi against the Burmese military government’s continuing repression has captured the world’s attention, the profound human rights and humanitarian crisis endured by Burma’s ethnic minority communities has largely been ignored.4

Reports & Research
Juin 2005

Maungdaw, 7 May 2005:
"A number of villages in the north of Maungdaw Township have been facing a water shortage since the beginning of May, reports a villager who has been transporting water from Bangladesh to Burma via a small boat on the Naf River.
"The water is not for…

Reports & Research
Mai 2005

Some countries have gained control of their forest-exploiting industries through
advanced regulatory regimes. But stricter regulation usually displaces forestexploitation
into countries with weaker regulatory regimes. The most important
current example is the…