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Journal Articles & Books
Mars 2013

The spatial distribution of vegetation trends identified by time series analysis of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for the Mongolian grasslands was cross-referenced with the recently obtained land use/cover data and socioeconomic information in the geographic domain. Global…

Mars 2013

This report develops and expand on the
Trade Facilitation and Logistics Development Strategy
Report, published in December 2006. This report employs a
supply chain perspective which focuses on the trade and

Janvier 2013

This policy brief by the Asian Development Bank argues that, given the negative impact of climate change on Mongolia, it is crucial to select mitigation actions that reduce vulnerability to climate change, support the achievement of national development goals, and are feasible given local…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2012

Land privatisation has been initiated in many transition countries to provide land ownership rights to citizens in order to facilitate the socio-economic development of the country through enhanced access to land. However, the implementation of land privatisation laws is still problematic in…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2012

Investigating traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) by the scientific approach is a useful way to develop sustainable rangeland management. Numerous trials have been done on plant species compositions and biomass, but little testing has been done on the TEK of plant productivity and nutrient…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2012

The Mongolian plateau in East Asia is part of a new hotspot of land cover change. Recent human activity and natural forces have degraded grasslands in northern China with the southern Mongolia steppe similarly vulnerable. Investigating vegetation patterns at piospheres (the area around water…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2012

The Country Programming Framework (CPF) for Mongolia 2012-2016 is the joint framework for strategic cooperation between the Government of Mongolia (GoM) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Mongolia. Channelled primarily through the Ministry of Industry and…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2012

This AQUASTAT report presents the most recent information available on water resources and their use in the 22 countries in the Southern and Eastern Asia region. Clearly it has an emphasis on agricultural water use and management. But in addition it contains the relevant tables and maps, and a…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2012

Хамтын ажиллагааны хөтөлбөрийн хүрээ (ХАХХ) нь Монгол Улсын Засгийн газар болон НҮБ-ын Хүнс, Хөдөө аж ахуйн байгууллагын хооронд 2012-2016 онд стратегийн хамтын ажиллагааг хөгжүүлэх хүрээг тогтоох хамтарсан баримт бичиг юм. Хүнс, хөдөө аж ахуйн яам ба Байгаль орчин, ногоон хөгжлийн яамны саналыг…

Reports & Research
Juin 2012

Dzud is the Mongolian term for a winter weather disaster in which deep snow, severe cold, or other conditions render forage unavailable or inaccessible and lead to high livestock mortality. Dzud is a regular occurrence in Mongolia, and plays an important role in regulating livestock populations…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Juin 2012

Dzud is the Mongolian term for a winter weather disaster in which deep snow, severe cold, or other conditions render forage unavailable or inaccessible and lead to high livestock mortality. Dzud is a regular occurrence in Mongolia, and plays an important role in regulating livestock populations…

Reports & Research
Juin 2012

As the Mongolian mortgage market grows rapidly, and the Government of Mongolia (GoM) pursues an ambitious social housing agenda, there is an urgent need for a holistic sector approach. The following three key areas require attention from policymakers: first, there is a need to better balance…