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This Act regulates the carrying out of surveys of land by, appointment of, qualifications of, etc. land surveyors including Government surveyors, i.e. land surveyors who are public officers of the Ministry of Housing, Lands and Town and Country Planning. No survey, plan or memorandum of survey,…


This Act amends the State Land (Alienation) Act by vesting land specified in the Second Schedule in the Ports Authority as established under the Ports Act.
Amends: State Land (Alienation) Act. (1991)


This Act states that the portions of State land specified in the Schedule shall vest in the Fund established under the Ilois Trust Fund Act. “State land” shall have the same meaning as in the State Lands Act.
Amended by: State Land (Alienation) (Amendment) Act 2003 (No. 38 of 2003). (2003-…


This Act amends the State Lands Act by adding in section 5 of a subsection (2) allowing the Minister to sell specified land by private contract.
Amends: State Lands Act. (2016)


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Second Schedule in relation to the date of transfer of land by a company forming part of a group of companies or a lessee who is the holder of a new lease pursuant to section 6(1E) of the State Lands Act or section 10(3B) of the Pas…


This Act provides for the recovery of moveable and immoveable assets acquired as a result of an unlawful activity and establishes an Enforcement Authority, an Investigative Agency for this purpose. It also establishes a Recovered Assets Fund. Property which is attributable to property which is…


This Act regulates the alienation, lease and use of and control over “State land”, i.e. defence lands, ‘pas géométriques’ and all lands belonging to or in possession of the State. The Minister may sell State land other than defence lands, mountain reserves which belong to the State, ‘pas…


This Act regulates the removal of sand on State lands. “Sand” includes stones, coral, earth and turf. The Minister may designate sand quarries and sand landing places. No sand removed from the sea or from a river shall be landed except at a sand landing place. No person shall carry on the…


This Act establishes the National Heritage Fund as a body corporate, defines its functions and provides for its internal organization. The principal object of the Fund shall be to safeguard, manage and promote the national heritage of Mauritius. The Fund shall be administered and managed by the…


This Act imposes levies and duties in respect of immovable property and provides for matters relating to taxation of land such as valuation and registration. Taxes imposed by this Act are: registration of any transfer deed (land transfer tax) to be paid by the transferor at the rate specified in…


These Regulations amend the Land (Duties and Taxes) Act in the Eight Schedule in relation to exemption from payment of duty or tax under Part II, Part III and Part VIA of the Act.
Amends: Land (Duties and Taxes) Act 1984. (2007-08-22)


These Regulations amend the Morcellement Act by repealing the Second Schedule and replacing it by the Schedule to these Regulations. The Schedule specifies processing fees and morcellement fees.
Amends: Morcellement Act. (2000)