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Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2013

This Guide has been developed to assist in the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (the VGGT) with regard to fisheries in marine and inland waters. It explains the…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2013

To ensure a food-secure future, farming must become climate resilient. Around the world, governments and communities are adopting innovations that are improving the lives of millions while reducing agriculture’s climate footprint. These successful examples show the many ways climate-smart…

Peer-reviewed publication
Septembre 2013

The paper analyzes land use changes, notably cropland expansion, in SE-Niger from the mid-1980s to 2011. It scrutinizes land use trajectories and investigates how cultivation shifts between dune landscapes and valleys (bas-fonds) in response to climate, population pressure, and sociocultural…

Reports & Research
Août 2013

Le barrage de Kandadji, actuellement en construction au Niger, déplacera 38 000 personnes. Le Haut Commissariat à l’Aménagement de la Vallée du Niger (HCAVN) s’est engagé, conformément aux dispositions juridiques en la matière, à compenser les terres traditionnelles perdues par des terres…

Reports & Research
Août 2013

The Kandadji dam, currently under construction in Niger, will displace 38,000 people. The High Commission for the Development of the Niger Valley (HCAVN), in accordance with national law, is committed to compensating people for the traditionally-owned land that they will lose.

It is in…

Août 2013

The study reviews Niger's water
resources, and planning process, through its short- and
medium-term water investment program, and priorities in the
water supply, and sanitation sector. Critical challenges are

Journal Articles & Books
Juillet 2013

Not only has soil degradation in Niger been halted thanks to an integrated approach combining water harvesting technologies, the application of organic residues and planting of fruit trees and vegetables. The strategy has also enabled increases in farmers’ income as well as an active involvement…

Reports & Research
Juillet 2013

This paper identifies sixteen cases of large-scale actions in the agriculture and forestry sectors that have adaptation and/or mitigation outcomes, and distils lessons from the cases. The cases cover policy and strategy development (including where climate-smart objectives were not the initial…

Juillet 2013

The Public Expenditure Management and
Financial Accountability Review (PEMFAR) analyzes
Niger's public expenditures in the four priority
sectors, as identified by the Poverty Reduction Strategy
(PRS) - education, health…

Reports & Research
Mai 2013

Agriculture - Crops & Crop Management Systems Poverty Reduction - Rural Poverty Reduction Environment - Environmental Economics & Policies Climate Change Poverty Reduction - Poverty Monitoring & Analysis

Décembre 2012

This report presents a comprehensive regional assessment of the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Sahel in terms of climate change impacts, vulnerabilities, conflict/cooperation and human security at various scales and in a variety of contexts. The Climate Change, Hydro Conflicts and Human…

Décembre 2012