The natural environment in Nicaragua has been damaged by rural development policies geared for the export of cash crops, by uneven land distribution and the near absence of concerns about the environmental effects of the prevailing model of development. The demands made by market forces for the…
Ce recueil d'initiatives rcentes de dveloppement durable dans le domaine de la gestion des terres et de l'agriculture a t labor comme document d'appui au Rapport de la Commission de travail examinant le volet Terres et agriculture pour les chapitres 10, 12 et 14 de l'Action…
Readers are invited to submit manuscripts in English, French or Spanish on research and analysis of issues related to land reform, land settlement or cooperatives. Submitted manuscripts are read by members of the Editorial Board and also by outside reviewers. Authors are requested to provide…
The present paper is a non-academic and thus, hopefully, unpretentious, attempt at reviewing the literature on the the role of local institutions and their interaction in disaster risk mitigation (DRM). What will be found on the following pages is a non-exhaustive compendium of strengths and…
It is the ineludible commitment of the State of Nicaragua to respond to the claim for the titling of the lands and territories of the indigenous peoples and ethnic communities of the former Mosquitia of Nicaragua; right set forth in the International Treaties entered into between England and…
The management of conflict over land and natural resources is a very broad issue and there is a growing literature on techniques that have potential for use in this field. At the moment, the Land Tenure Service of FAO’s Rural Development Division is working towards achieving a deeper…
Section 1 will examine current debates around poverty, vulnerability and livelihood issues related to access to natural resources. Section 2 will describe the main features of the sustainable livelihoods approaches and relate them to current thinking about access to natural resources. Section…
This conmpendium of recent sustainable development initiatives in the field of agriculture and land management has been developed as a supporting document for the Task Manager's Report on the Land and Agriculture Cluster for Chapters 10, 12 and 14 of Agenda 21. The report draws together 75…
This study focuses on the gender dimension of agriculture-related legislation, examining the legal status of women in three key areas. The result is an analysis identifying the main legal and some non-legal factors that affect the existence and exercise of women’s agriculture-related rights.