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Journal Articles & Books
Février 2020

Labor migration and large-scale land enclosures are increasingly central to the story of agrarian change throughout the Global South. Nonetheless, there remain limited understandings of how recent explosions of mobile labor and new sources of smallholder capital shape and are shaped by ongoing…

Journal Articles & Books
Février 2020

This paper deepens the economic analysis of the effects of land consolidation – reduction of land fragmentation. It does this in the context of rural Vietnam, studying whether land consolidation promotes or hinders the Vietnamese government's policy objectives of encouraging agricultural…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2020

Coffee is considered a boom crop in Southeast Asia. However, while it bears typical boom crop characteristics in many places where it has been grown, in other places it has contributed to agrarian transformation. This paper examines the context of coffee development in the Northwestern Mountain…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Février 2020

This policy brief discusses the opportunities and challenges facing social forestry in Southeast Asia and recommends that ASEAN Member States, universities and international research organizations mainstream participatory action research (PAR) in social forestry to overcome these challenges and…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier 2020

This policy brief examines the legal reform process in forestry across ASEAN Member States and provides pathways for other countries to learn more about successful implementation of legal reform. 

Décembre 2019

A multi-stakeholder survey and site-based data comparison was carried out to predefine three benchmark sites or populations along a rural-to-urban transect. The current report is a draft version to be shared widely with A4NH- FSHD partners before we commit to ACTUALLY initiating food system…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2019

A new report developed by GIZ highlights success factors and 7 practical entry points for mainstreaming Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) into policies and planning, based on 16 case studies from Mexico, Peru, South Africa, Philippines and Viet Nam in the following contexts:
1. National…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2019

Since Vietnam shifted to a market-economy in the 1980s, Hanoi has seen rapid urban expansion similar to that of other South East Asian cities - involving megaprojects, luxury developments, rural-to-urban migration, informal housing construction, and escalating speculation. Researchers have…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2019

The forest landscapes of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) are changing dramatically, with a multitude of impacts from local to global levels. These changes invariably have their foundations in forest governance. The aim of this paper is to assess perceptions of key stakeholders regarding the…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2019

Concessions granted to investors in Cambodia have generated a deep sense of insecurity in rural forested areas. Villagers are not confined to a passive “everyday resistance of the poor,” as mentioned by James Scott, insofar as they frequently engage in frontal strategies for recovering land.…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2019

Between Vietnam's independence and its reunification in 1975, the country's socialist land tenure system was underpinned by the principle of "land to the tiller". During this period, government redistributed land to farmers that was previously owned by landlords. The…