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Displaying 49 - 60 of 1305
Journal Articles & Books
Mars 2019

This paper presents the results of a short-term research project conducted in 2017/2018 on the various ways in which migration and land dynamics inWest Africa are intertwined. Contrary to much conventional (policy) thinking in the European Union (EU) today, our point of departure is not that…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mars 2019

This bulletin highlights initiatives to support socially responsible investment. 
It provides detail on two new tools - the <strong>Social License Platform (SLP)</strong>, developed by Landesa and TMP Systems, and the <strong><a href="…

Peer-reviewed publication
Février 2019

This article discusses different issues pertaining gender and land governance with focus to access and control of land by rural women and how this affects their resilience in G5-Sahel region- Chad, Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Mauritania. Findings show that land remains the property of men,…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre 2018

As climate change makes precipitation shocks more common, policymakers are becoming increasingly interested in protecting food systems and nutrition outcomes from the damaging effects of droughts and floods (Wheeler and von Braun, 2013). Increasing the resilience of nutrition and food security…

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre 2018

Land degradation poses daunting challenges to Niger and the country has designed several policies and strategies for combatting it. Building on work past studies, this study uses new satellite data which have higher resolution and run for longer time – thus capturing the longterm land management…

Institutional & promotional materials
Décembre 2018

Cette note de synthèse reprend les présentations et les débats qui ont nourri l’atelier sur les trajectoires de politiques foncières en Afrique de l’Ouest et à Madagascar, organisé du 15 au 19 janvier 2018 à Saint-Louis du Sénégal, à l’initiative du Comité technique « Foncier &amp;…