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Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

This report presents the results from a regional training workshop on MASSCOTE which was held at Aleppo, Syria in 2009. A total of twenty Irrigation and Agriculture engineers from Egypt, Jordan, and Syria participated in the training workshop focusing on MASSCOTE application in Mounshaat-Al-Asad…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

Desertification, land degradation and drought affect more than 2 billion people and the situation might worsen due to the unsustainable use of soil and water under present scenarios of climate change. The UNCCD 10-year strategy points out the importance of science, knowledge sharing systems and…

Reports & Research
Juin 2009

Improving On-farm Agricultural Water Productivity in the Karkheh River Basin
(KRB) was a CPWF project that aimed at enhancement of agricultural water
productivity (WP) under irrigated and rainfed conditions in Karkheh River Basin. It
was launched in Iran through the partnership…

Décembre 2008

Climate models are predicting a hotter, drier and less predictable climate in the Middle East, a region already considered the world's most water-scarce and where, in many places, demand for water already outstrips supply. This report addresses the links between climate change, peace and…

Décembre 2007

Using the Khanasser Valley in Syria as an example, this paper looks at Integrated Natural Resource management (INRM) as an approach to tackle land degradation. The authors argue that INRM is a better approach because of its comprehensive nature and simplification of the inherently complex socio-…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2007

The goal of this exercise is to identify some of the tools a development agent needs for achieving effective local participation in policy development. The intended audiences are FAO professionals and their colleagues, in other agencies and in the field programs. This paper uses an analogy of…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2007

Este informe está dirigido a revisar y resumir la información existente sobre el secuestro de carbono, con el fin de analizar como los recursos disponibles y los programas específicos se pueden implementar en las tierras áridas que constituyen las regiones con mayor degradación del suelo en…

Décembre 2006

Poverty in the Near East and North Africa region (NENA) is mainly a rural phenomenon. Almost half (48%) the area’s population lives in rural areas. This report focuses on key rural poverty issues in 13 diverse countries in the region, without attempting to propose policy or programme actions at…

Décembre 2006

This report looks at possible ways for policy-makers and decision-takers to combat and/or prevent land degradation in the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) region, both generally and specifically in the following countries: Egypt, Jordan, Syria and the United Arab Emirates…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2006

FAO has initiated a series of global and regional sector outlook studies to examine linkages between forests and societies and to indicate emerging opportunities and challenges. The Forestry Outlook Study for West and Central Asia (FOWECA) has considered these issues through an extended…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2006

A thematic study on “Urban and peri-urban forestry” focuses on the potentials and constraints for urban forestry development at regional and sub-regional levels considering the current experience and future prospects of urbanization in the region that is expected to take place in the next 15…