The CPWF was designed to be different. Developed in response to a call for change in a previous round of Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system
reform, the CPWF was intended to foster cross-CGIAR cooperation and find ways to bring in new partners. Over…
IN response to an on-line survey, 76 project leaders and staff gave CPWF Phase 1 a
generally favorable review. Respondents came from 68 CPWF projects in 45 countries on
three continents. The survey sought to help learn what went well in Phase 1, what did not
go so well and can…
This paper applies the principles of water-use accounts, developed in the first of the series, to the Mekong River basin in Southeast Asia. The Mekong Basin covers six
countries, the River rises in China, but there are substantial downstream tributaries
from Thailand, Laos, Cambodia…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and national resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.
In this issue, we will be looking at work underway on the Voluntary Guidelines on responsible governance of tenure of land and other natural resources. We will also look at work done in Thailand and lessons learned by the German-financed Bioenergy and Food Security project.
With the continual rise of global commodity prices and increasing population pressures worldwide, the future of agriculture is looking increasingly unstable. As a result of this escalating demand and intensification of unsustainable agricultural techniques, natural resources are facing an…
Documento de trabajo sobre la tenencia de la tierra 15. Esta publicación presenta los vínculos que existen entre la tenencia de la tierra y la realización del derecho a la alimentación. Plantea que una gobernanza responsable de la tierra requiere un enfoque basado en los derechos humanos con el…
The National Medium-Term Priority Framework (NMTPF) 2011-2015 builds on the experience acquired with NMTPF 20006-2010, which dealt with FAO assistance in a comprehensive way. Its overall goal is to pursue the development of sustainable agriculture, fisheries and forestry as a contribution to the…
A quarterly news bulletin dedicated to the exchange of information relating to wildlife and natural resources management for the Asia-Pacific region.