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Policy Papers & Briefs
Décembre 2009

Livestock use and degrade much water in the Nile River Basin. New research suggests that integrated development and management of water and livestock resources will conserve water and increase the profitability and environmental sustainability of investments by governments, development agencies…

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre 2009

The paper investigates the conflicting findings in empirical studies linking land productivity to plot size, livestock ownership, investment in farm assets, and land improvement practices. The conflicting impacts found are partly as a result of different model specifications, the type of data…

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre 2009

We investigate the impacts of coffee and cotton production on land management and land degradation in Uganda, based on a survey of 851 households and soil measurements in six major agro-ecological zones, using matching and multivariate regression methods. The impacts of cash crop production…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2009

The paper is based on an on-going 3-year study in the wetland communities of Kampala. The study uses participatory methods and aims to contribute to (i) the development of low-income wetland communities, (ii) to prepare these communities to become less dependent on wetlands without receding into…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2009

Meeting symbol/code: 26, C 2009/INF/9

Reports & Research
Novembre 2009

Documento de trabajo sobre tenencia de la tierra 11. Esta publicación compartida por la FAO y Naciones Unidas-Hábitat trata de comprender y definir mejor los procesos, los mecanismos y las instituciones de la gobernanza de la tenencia en áreas rurales y urbanas. En el documento se reconoce que…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2009

Land Tenure Working Paper 11. This co-publication of FAO and UN-HABITAT seeks to better understand and define the processes, mechanisms and institutions of governance of tenure in rural and urban areas. The paper recognises that excellent land policies, laws and technical reforms have been…

Reports & Research
Novembre 2009

A través de un análisis conceptual basado en tratados e instrumentos internacionales y dos estudios de países, en este estudio se explora la relación entre los derechos humanos, en especial el derecho a la alimentación adecuada y el acceso a los recursos naturales con un enfoque específico en la…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

A incerteza dos direitos das mulheres e das crianças à propriedade e heranÃça em muitos países na ÃÂfrica sub sahariana não são um assunto novo. Os sistemas de apoio à família alargada que costumavam funcionar como redes de segurança social para as viúvas e crianças órfãs enfraqueceram como…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

Women and childrens' insecure rights to property and inheritance in many countries in sub-Saharan Africa is not a new issue. The extended family support systems that used to function as social safety nets for widows and orphaned children have weakened as a consequence of societal changes…

Journal Articles & Books
Novembre 2009

The traditional lifestyle of nomadic pastoralists is vanishing rapidly, because of human population growth which often leads to land scarcity or political pressure on pastoralists to settle. The sedentarisation of the Bahima pastoralists in Western Uganda started in the 1940s and is still going…