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Policy Papers & Briefs
Janvier 1973

textabstractIt is the irony of history that, despite the spectacular accomplishments of the Western European industrial revolution and the agricultural revolution before it, most of mankind is still faced with the
more pr'imitive problem of how to eke out a living from the soil. From…

Reports & Research
Octobre 1972

The Department of Lands and Surveys is responsible for Land Administration, Surveys and Mapping, Valuations and Titles. The last report adequately covered the history of our land tenure and' it
is not therefore intended to go over it again.

Conference Papers & Reports
Octobre 1970

Un cadastre qui sert uniquement à déterminer l'assiette fiscale du propriétaire foncier semble particulièrement bien convenir à des pays dont l’économie est principalement agricole.

Décembre 1969

The papers contained in this issue have been selected from those presented at a series of workshops, held in 2002 in Hungary, Uganda, Mexico and Cambodia, that were organized by the World Bank jointly with the Department for International Development (DFID), the French Ministry for Foreign…

Décembre 1969

With the continual rise of global commodity prices and increasing population pressures worldwide, the future of agriculture is looking increasingly unstable. As a result of this escalating demand and intensification of unsustainable agricultural techniques, natural resources are facing an…

Décembre 1969

This paper explains the political and economic complexities of the ongoing Ituri crisis, focusing on the role of land. In Ituri, mineral-rich land is at the core of the crisis and therefore, at the core of the longer-term programming needed to restore food security. But food insecurity in…

Reports & Research
Novembre 1969

Meeting Name: African Forestry Commission
Meeting symbol/code: FO-AFC/69/REP.
Session: Sess. 2

Legislation & Policies
Juin 1965

An Act to make provision for the compulsory acquisition of land for public purposes and for matters incidental thereto and connected