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Conference Papers & Reports
Juin 2010

We present a global agricultural greenhouse gas model that assesses emissions from land-use change. In addition to evaluating shifts in and out of crop production, we develop a pasture model to assess extensification and intensification of global livestock production based on herd size and…

Reports & Research
Juin 2010

We present a global agricultural greenhouse gas model that assesses emissions from land-use change. In addition to evaluating shifts in and out of crop production, we develop a pasture model to assess extensification and intensification of global livestock production based on herd size and…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Mai 2010

  * Rodrigo López Sánchez
Entrevista a Alberto Acosta acerca de la situación de los países en Sudamérica, la propuesta post extractivista y el desafío de la integración regional sudamericana para enfrentar el Cambio Climático.  
Alberto Acosta, economista, presidente de la Asamblea…

Conference Papers & Reports
Avril 2010

The beneficiaries of technology adoption in agriculture and biofuels markets in the United States are heavily influenced by domestic biofuel policies and market context. Biofuel mandates, one of the key pillars of domestic biofuel policies, may significantly alter theelasticity of demand for…

Conference Papers & Reports
Avril 2010

Paper removed temporarily by author 8/19/11.
In the last three decades, European Union (EU) agriculture has been characterized by major exit of farming households from agriculture. In some areas the share of exit has been as high as 40%. Similar pattern has also been observed in the United…

Journal Articles & Books
Mars 2010

La definición y puesta en práctica de políticas que tengan como su eje a la soberanía alimentaria, implica comprender adecuadamente las condiciones de existencia de las economías campesinas. Ya no se trata solamente de la redistribución de la tierra, sino de potencializar la multifuncionalidad…

Policy Papers & Briefs
Février 2010

Mas que palabras
 *Instituto Para el Desarrollo Rural de Sudamérica - IPDRS
En los dos primeros meses del año, Chile y Haití, dos países hermanos fueron azotados por movimientos sísmicos de enorme magnitud, causando entre su población daños tangibles e intangibles y planteando…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2009

The Pearl River Delta (PRD) region in southern China has experienced rapid urbanization and dramatic economic growth in last 25 years. Using identical observed meteorology for lateral boundary conditions, two one-month simulations were conducted: one using the original United States Geological…

Peer-reviewed publication
Décembre 2009

Automobiles are a major source of CO2 emissions. Because there is no immediate technological fix to reduce these emissions, the most promising current strategy is to promote less automobile use. In the United States, this is difficult because federal programs such as the interstate highway…

Journal Articles & Books
Décembre 2009

Since the United States imposed antidumping and countervailing duties totaling 14.16 percent on imports of Canadian hard red spring (HRS) wheat, Canadian exports to the United States have nearly stopped. This study examines the impact of the decreased HRS wheat imports from Canada on U.S. wheat…

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre 2009

There is evidence of an increase in market concentration and in the importanceof private plant breeding in the seed industry following the widespreadadoption of Intellectual Property Rights regimes for the industry in thedeveloped world. We use data from the US Patent and Trademark Office,…

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre 2009

The paper reveals that ever since the 1950s, after the first land reform of distributing landownership (or possession under public ownership) to small farmers, the irrational and polyopolisticland use by able-bodied part-time and absent small farmers earning higher off-farm income butunwilling…