This report presents the results of an analysis of economic rent from roundwood production in Suriname. It starts by describing the concept of economic rent: what it means; how it is calculated; and why it is so important. it then presents the results of the economic rent analysis and presents…
Meeting symbol/code: SIDS 99 Inf.-Sum 4
Meeting symbol/code: SIDS 99 Inf.-Sum 4
A report based on a study provided by the information gathered amongst local people in Haiti. This study describes the main NWFP (mushrooms, wild fruits as well and products of animal origin) and their means of exploitation. Forest activities and services are also described followed by a…
Meeting symbol/code: SIDS 99 Inf.5
This report describes a model that has been produced to help forestry administration staff in Suriname to calculate roundwood production costs and economic rent. It includes a detailed description of how to use the model, which could be used in other countries.
Meeting symbol/code: SIDS 99 Inf.-Sum 4
Programación lineal y el programa PASTOR fueron utilizados para modelar una finca ganadera de 70 ha que podría incluir: 1) pasturas naturales con y sin cercas vivas; 2) mezclas de Brachiaria brizantha/Arachis pintoi; 3) pasturas en callejones (B. brizantha/Erythrina berteroana) y 4) pastoreo en…
In December 1997, FAO hosted a workshop, Pluralism and Sustainable Forestry and Rural Development. to exchange information and experiences and to explore mechanisms, methods and fore for optimizing cooperation among the different groups concerned with the management of forest resources. The…
En diciembre de 1997, la FAO alberg un seminario sobre el pluralismo y el desarrollo forestal y rural sostenible, cuya finalidad era intercambiar informacin y experiencias y encontrar mtodos que permitan optimizar la cooperacin entre distintos grupos interesados en la ordenacin de los recursos…
This issue of Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives includes interesting descriptions of land tenure and related policies in Uganda, Tunisia, the United Republic of Tanzania and Morocco. Two thought-provoking articles on access to land and other assets focus on policies to reduce poverty…