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The present Regulation is made under the Planning Act. In particular, the Regulation set out minimum requirements with respect to the information that must be submitted with each land use planning application. The text consists of 14 sections and 1 Schedule.
Implements: Planning Act (R.S.O…


The present Regulations enforces provisions of the Ontario Co-operative Corporations Act by prescribing forms and by regulating more in detail various matters mainly relating to internal organization and procedures of cooperative societies including registration; records of a co-operative…


El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento operativo para la realización del Programa de regularización del catastro y del registro de la propiedad inmueble de Costa Rica, creando la Unidad ejecutora del programa adscrita al Ministerio de Hacienda.
Implementa: Ley Nº 8154 - Programa de…

National Policies

The overall objective of the National Forest Policy is the conservation, protection, management and utilisation of the nation’s forest resources, while ensuring that the productive capacity of the forests for both goods and services is maintained or enhanced. Whereas the specific objectives are…


This Act prohibits the removal of topsoil from a site or the move of topsoil from a parcel unless with the proper permit. Under section 4, no person shall transport topsoil in, on or by a vehicle on a highway except in accordance with the regulations. The Act provides for inspections,…


The Act amends the Aliens Landholding Regulation Act by making minor changes in sections 4 and 5 on the acquisition by aliens of land for residential respectively commercial purposes.
Amends: Aliens Landholding Regulation Act, 1995 (No. 17 of 1995). (1995-05-15)

National Policies

The main objective of the present Forest Policy is enhancing the contribution of the forests to the national economy and the welfare of the current and future generations, taking into account the preservation of the biodiversity. Three goals of equal weight are contained in the main objective,…


La presente Ley orgánica de emergencia para terrenos y vivienda, tiene como objeto establecer un conjunto de mecanismos extraordinarios a cargo del Ejecutivo Nacional, en coordinación con otros entes públicos y privados, nacionales e Internacionales, destinados a hacerle frente con éxito y…


Las presentes disposiciones regulan el manejo de lodos provenientes de plantas de tratamiento de aguas servidas. A tal efecto, establecen la clasificación sanitaria de los lodos y las exigencias sanitarias mínimas para su manejo, además de las restricciones, requisitos y condiciones técnicas…


This Act amends the Land Tax Act in section by repealing sections 6I and 6J. Those sections, introduced by the Land Tax (Amendment) (No. 2) Act, 2012, concern rebates on tax to be paid by manufacturers of goods for export and companies or individuals that are engaged in the production of goods…


La presente Ley exonera al Organismo de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal (COFOPRI) del pago de tasas registrales, municipales, aranceles u otros cobros para la ejecución de la formalización de la propiedad urbana y rural.


El presente Acuerdo declarar e inscribe a favor del Estado aquellos bienes que carecen de antecedente registral y que constituyen bienes nacionales considerados como áreas naturales protegidas.
Implementa: Decreto Legislativo Nº 579 - Ley de áreas naturales protegidas. (2005-02-08)