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The Regulation No. 88 of 2012 amends Article. 47 of the Regulation 502 of 2011 by extending full legal effects to the decisions approved by the National Territory Planning Committee prior to the Law No. 10119 of 2009 on the territory planing.
Implements: Law No. 10119 on land use planning…


The Regulation No. 338 of 2011 supplements Regulation No. 655 of 2010 by adding provision No. 7 related to the change of land categories after the areas in dispute have been planted with fruit trees, vineyards, and olives.
Implements: Law No. 8752 on the creation and operation of land…


These Regulations lay down some amendments to the Development Planning (Fees) Regulations, which concern the fees to be paid to the Malta Environment and Planning Authority in respect of applications for permission to carry out development in the areas specified.
Amends: Development…


The Regulation No. 502 of 2011 approves the uniform regulation for the control of the territory development according to the addenda 1, 2, and 3 attached to this decision. The uniform regulation is composed of the following sections: I- General Provisions, II- Regulations of the Development…


La presente Orden modifica el Real Decreto que tiene por objeto el establecimiento de un marco jurídico y técnico adecuado para las actividades de eliminación de residuos mediante depósito en vertederos, en materia de los criterios que representan las mejores técnicas disponibles para el…


La presente Ley modifica el Texto Refundido de las Leyes de Ordenación del Territorio de Canarias y de Espacios Naturales de Canarias, en aspectos relacionados con el régimen jurídico a aplicar a las instalaciones, construcciones y edificaciones, así como a los usos ya existentes.


These provisions lay down some amendments and addenda to the Waste Management (Landfill) Regulations. The amendments concern waste acceptance procedures (regulation 14), temporary storage of metallic mercury and related requirements.
Amends: Waste Management (Landfill) Regulations, 2002 (L…


La presente Ley modifica la que tiene por objeto regular la actividad urbanística y el régimen urbanístico del suelo, el vuelo y el subsuelo en la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón, en orden a simplificar la tramitación y clarificar la intervención de cada uno de los agentes involucrados.


These provisions lay down some amendments to the Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and their Determination) Regulations as regards development permissions and their automatic renewal, under certain circumstances.
Amends: Development Planning (Procedure for Applications and…


This Decree lays down provisions governing the use of nitrate fertilizers for agricultural purposes. Further it lays down an action programme to be implemented in zones vulnerable to nitrates. The aim is to guarantee the protection of the environment.


These provisions lay down some amendments and addenda to Regional Act No. 56 of 1977 on land use and preservation. The amendments concern the instruments for planning the use of agricultural and urban land and protecting landscapes.
Amends: Regional Act No. 56 on land use and preservation…


The law, apart from the provisions of the law regulating matters on electronic communications, transport and public works, with Chapter D (art. 123-132) brings forth extensive amendments throughout the text of the Code on expropriation of immovable property.
Amends: Law No. 2882 bringing…