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This Act enforces regulations on notification to the Plant Directorate of any fertilizing activity by companies operating in plant production. The Act applies to guidelines of animal-based fertilizers used for agricultural crops and the monitoring of dangerous gasses which may originate from them.It consists of 11 Chapters and 6 Annexes: Registration (1); Processing plants and incinerators (2); Nitrogen standards and nitrogen quotas (3); Manure (4); Transfer (5); Catch crops and alternatives (6); Growing-related initiatives (7); Planning fertilizers and fertilization (8); Fertilizer Suppliers (9); Registrations of new companies (10); Control, publication, penalty (11).Annex 1 - Nitrogen Standards.Annex 2 - Livestock Standards.Annex 3 - Crops.Annex 4 - Alternatives to fullfilment of requirements for crops in adherence to article 30.Annex 5 - Grass for pasture.Annex 6 - List of Appendix.