Regulation respecting the regularization of certain kinds of occupation of lands in the domain of the State (CQLR c. T-8.1, r. 6). | Land Portal

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The present Regulation is made under the Act respecting agricultural lands in the domain of the state. In particular, the Regulation lays down provisions relating to the regularization of certain kinds of occupation of lands in the domain of the State. Section 3 establishes that the Minister may sell land to an occupant applying in writing and showing that the occupation of that land by him and his predecessors in title has been continuous, uninterrupted, peaceful, public, unequivocal and as owner. The text consists of 16 sections divided into 3 Divisions as follows: Application (I); Conditions for alienation of certain lands (II); Transitional and final provisions (III). One Schedule is enclosed.

Implements: Act respecting agricultural lands in the domain of the state (R.S.Q., c. T-7.1). (2016-11-01)

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