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Eldis is an online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. The database includes over 40,000 summaries and provides free links to full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. Each document is selected by members of our editorial team.

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Who produces ELDIS?

Eldis is hosted by IDS but our service profiles work by a growing global network of research organisations and knowledge brokers including 3ie, IGIDR in India, Soul Beat Africa, and the Philippines Institute for Development Studies. 

These partners help to ensure that Eldis can present a truly global picture of development research. We make a special effort to cover high quality research from smaller research producers, especially those from developing countries, alongside that of the larger, northern based, research organisations.

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Our website is predominantly used by development practitioners, decision makers and researchers. Over half a million users visit the site every year and more than 50% of our regular visitors are based in developing countries.

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Displaying 936 - 940 of 1156

Rethinking the Causes of Deforestation: Lessons from Economic Models

Décembre, 1998

Synthesizes the results of more than 140 economic models analyzing the causes of tropical deforestation. Raises significant doubts about many conventional hypotheses in the debate about deforestation. More roads, higher agricultural prices, lower wages, and a shortage of off-farm employment generally lead to more deforestation. How technical change, agricultural input prices, household income levels, and tenure security affect deforestation—if at all—is unknown.

Land Tenancy in Asia, Africa and Latin America: A Look to the Past and a View to the Future

Décembre, 1998
Afrique sub-saharienne
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

Literature review, focusing on recent and contemporary tenancy structures in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Tenancy for purposes of this review is broadly defined to include different leasing arrangements such sharecropping, labor tenancy, fixed cash rentals, and reverse leasing. Authors have limited our discussion to private leasing of agricultural land, thereby ignoring issues pertaining to leasing of public, forest, and other noncrop lands.

Formalizing Informality: The Praedial Registration System in Peru

Décembre, 1998
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

The Praedial Property Registration system has been presented as an alternative system to traditional registries for the formalization of immovable property. Much of the earlier design and pilot work for the Praedial Property Registration system was done by the Peruvian private organization, Instituto Libertad y Democracia (ILD). They claim that in Peru they "have formalized over 150,000 properties much more quickly, and at dramatically less costs, than traditional titling and registration programs" in three-and-a-half years during the early 1990s.

The untouchables: Forest crimes and the concessionaires - can Cambodia afford to keep them?

Décembre, 1998
Asie orientale

An historical record of concessionaire activity in Cambodian forests since 1995, and a critique of the ADB-funded concession review carried out in late 1999.Available in Word and Text verisons and in Khmer at: