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Eldis is an online information service providing free access to relevant, up-to-date and diverse research on international development issues. The database includes over 40,000 summaries and provides free links to full-text research and policy documents from over 8,000 publishers. Each document is selected by members of our editorial team.

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Displaying 1041 - 1045 of 1156

The determinants of agricultural production : a cross-country analysis

Décembre, 1996

Capital is important to agricultural production, so policies that improve access to agricultural capital will facilitate growth, if the capital is used efficiently. In this analysis of capital's role in agricultural production, a new construction of data on capital allowed Mundlak, Larson, and Butzer to advance the cross-country study of production functions. The model reveals the relative importance of capital, a finding quite robust to modifications of the model and the disaggregation of capital to its two components.

The controversy surrounding eucalypts in social forestry programs of Asia

Décembre, 1996

Social forestry emerged amidst important changes in thinking about the role of forestry in rural development and a growing need for fuelwood. In an attempt to alleviate the fuelwood crisis, the World Bank encouraged the planting of Eucalyptus species in its social forestry programs in the 1980s. Eucalypts were the chosen tree species for the majority of social forestry projects because they survive on difficult sites and out-perform indigenous species and most other exotics in height and girth increment, producing wood for poles, pulp and fuel more rapidly.

Logs or Local Livelihood?: The Case for Legalizing Community Control of Forest Lands in Ratanakiri, Cambodia

Décembre, 1996
Asie orientale

A recent eighteen-month economic study of the benefits of alternative uses of forest and in Ratanakiri province recommends the exclusion of customary forest land from current and future commercial concessions. The study compares the economic benefits of using forest land in Ratanakiri for the traditional collection of non-timber forest products by ethnic communities, with the benefits of commercial timber harvesting. The main conclusions of the study are that non-timber forest products (NTFP) are worth a lot, much more than previously thought.

Environmental Problems in Southeast Asia: Property Regimes as Cause and Solution

Décembre, 1996

Brief paper on the role of property rights in the economic analysis of environmental problems in Southeast Asia. First talks about the causal role of property rights in the existence of environmental problems, then how property rights must be incorporated into the economic analyses of these problems. Finally, addresses the extent to which changes in property regimes may offer scope for solving persistent environmental problems.

Tragedy of the Commons for Community-based Forest Management in Latin America?

Décembre, 1996
Amérique latine et Caraïbes

This paper considers the evidence surrounding the popular view that common property management regimes (CPMRs) of forest management in Latin America must inevitably break down in the face of economic and demographic pressures. The evidence shows that there have been both positive and negative experiences, with a number of policy implications. The over-riding need is to correct for institutional and policy failures which have catalysed the erosion of CPMRs.