United Nations Development Programme | Page 6 | Land Portal

UNDP works in some 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. 

Inclusive growth, better services, environmental sustainability, good governance, and security are fundamental to development progress. We offer our expertise in development thinking and practice, and our decades of experience at country level, to support countries to meet their development aspirations and to bring the voices of the world’s peoples into deliberations. 

In 2016, UNDP is continuing its work to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or Global Goals, as they help shape global sustainable development for the next 15 years.

UNDP focuses on helping countries build and share solutions in three main areas:

In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights and the empowerment of women, minorities and the poorest and most vulnerable.

United Nations Development Programme Resources

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Library Resource

Proyecto "Desarrollo Urbano, Autonomía Económica de las Mujeres y Políticas de Cuidados" (1545AK), fascículo A/68/6 (Sect. 35)

Matériels institutionnels et promotionnels
août, 2016

Las demandas de cuidado y de autonomía económica de las mujeres plantean un particular desafío para las políticas locales, de vivienda, planificación, infraestructura, transporte, actividad económica,
seguridad y espacio público, participación y toma de decisiones, entre otras. Es decir presentan un reto de gran magnitud para el desarrollo urbano.

Library Resource
Ressources et Outils d'entraînement
août, 2016

Kenya’s landscape covers a total of 583 000 sq. km12 and is grouped into geographical zones including; the Savannah Lands covering most of the arid and semi- arid areas, the Coastal Margin, the Rift Valley, the Highlands and the Lake Victoria Basin. With a growth rate of 3.1% the population stands at approximately 29 million people. The country’s GNP/Capita is close to US$330. By the year 2010 and with a slow decline, the population is expected to reach a high of 39.3 million, 37.4 million with the medium decline and 35.5 million with a fast decline.

Library Resource

Proyecto "Desarrollo Urbano, Autonomía Económica de las Mujeres y Políticas de Cuidados" (1545AK)

Matériels institutionnels et promotionnels
juin, 2016

El presente estudio pretende contribuir al debate sobre políticas de cuidados enfocando la mirada en las ciudades latinoamericanas, en esta ocasión específicamente en Montevideo.

Library Resource
Rapports et recherches
avril, 2016

The study assessed the biodiversity impact of the project supported by UNDP and the Government of Madhya Pradesh to support local communities in rehabilitating degraded forest, generating sustainable livelihoods and protecting the areas rich ecosystem. The project was supported by the Global Environment Facility.

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