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Community Organizations Open Development Cambodia
Open Development Cambodia
Open Development Cambodia
Data aggregator


Open Development Cambodia (ODC) is an ‘open data’ website, the first of its kind in Southeast Asia. The open data movement is based on the simple premise that data collected for public interest should be publicly available without restrictions. Information or data in the public domain should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish. Open Development Cambodia does not promote any particular perspective, agenda or bias other than to provide objective information about Cambodia and its development.



Displaying 561 - 565 of 876

Sub-Decree on Determining Management Zone in Nature Protection Area as Sustainable Use Zone78

Janvier, 2012

Determining 8,568 hectares as sustainable use zones in Preah Soramrith Kosamak "Kirirom" National Park in Kampong Speu and Preah Sihanouk provinces, and granting the land for investment in pine rasin exploitation, clearance and changing to plant more pine trees and establishing pine rasin processing factory to Jian King (Cambodia) International Investment Co., Ltd.

What shall we do without our land? land grabs and resistance in rural Cambodia

Conference Papers & Reports
Décembre, 2011

Abstract: "Political dynamics of the global land grab are exemplified in Cambodia, where at least 27 forced evictions took place in 2009, affecting 23,000 people. Evictions of the rural poor are legitimized by the assumption that non-private land is idle, marginal, or degraded and available for capitalist exploitation. This paper: (1) questions the assumption that land is idle; (2) explores whether land grabs can be regulated through a ‘code of conduct’; and (3) examines peasant resistance to land grabs.