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Bibliothèque Reports on enhanced planning strategies and decision making for urban fringes including scenarios for future land use development: Montpellier Case study

Reports on enhanced planning strategies and decision making for urban fringes including scenarios for future land use development: Montpellier Case study

Reports on enhanced planning strategies and decision making for urban fringes including scenarios for future land use development: Montpellier Case study

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Date of publication
Décembre 2010
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The present delivrable is a report on enhanced planning strategies and decision making for urban fringes including scenarios for future land use development. The methodology is in two parts: we built foresight scenarios to propose the combined effects of internal factors and external drivers on periurban land use in the city-region and, second we analysed the main effects in the scenario results of MOLAND model. The results are only, in this report, based on the analysis of maps and data of MOLAND simulations. These simulations present interesting results about the effect of borders between the Montpellier Agglomeration perimeter and its neighbors, with the differencial application of the SCoT spatial planning tool. The other main important result is the difference between the "Business As usual" scenario results for 2025 and the ones for the High Tech Scenario (Scot applied): in the first case, a important urban sprawl is possible, with particular fragmentation of new urban areas with little surfaces which affect the periurban landscape. The next step is to present these final and complete results to the local stakeholders who are relevant in the spatial planning.

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Authors and Publishers

Author(s), editor(s), contributor(s)

Chery, Jean-Pierre
Jarrige, Françoise

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