Focal point
The Online Burma/Myanmar Library (OBL) is a non-profit online research library mainly in English and Burmese serving academics, activists, diplomats, NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and other Burmese and international actors. It is also, of course, open to the general public. Though we provide lists of Burma/Myanmar news sources, the Library’s main content is not news but in-depth articles, reports, laws, videos and links to other websites, We provide a search engine (database and full text) and an alphabetical list of categories and sub-categories, but the Library is best accessed through browsing the 100 or so categories which lead to sub- and sub-sub categories. These tools should be used in combination.
Displaying 916 - 920 of 1151The Burning Problem of Immigrants in Thailand
As more and more Burmese go to Thailand in pursuit of relative freedom from persecution and poverty, Burma's closet neighbor is seeking new ways to address the root causes of their immigrant problem.
Myanmar: Aquatic Resources
Geography and population�
Climate and water resources:
River basins and water resources;
Lakes and dams;
Water withdrawal�
Irrigation and drainage development�
Institutional environment�
Trends in water resources management�
Main sources of information.
US Committee for Refugees Burma Report 1999
Situation to end 1998
Common forest resource management annotated bibliography of Asia, Africa and Latin America
The purpose of this study is to introduce some of the literature on Common Forest Resource Management from Asia, Africa and Latin America. It is recognized that the three regional reviews of both published and unpublished sources and the issues analyses which constitute this document are not complete. However, it was decided to publish this material in order to present information known to date and identify gaps in our understanding of this important topic.