UzInvestigations | Land Portal
Focal point: 
Professor Kristian Lasslett, Umida Niyazova, and Dilmira Matyakubova


Professor Kristian Lasslett, School of Applied Social and Policy Sciences
University of Ulster Jordanstown Road
BT37 0QB Newtownabbey
Working languages: 

UzInvestigations is a civic initiative administered by Ulster University in partnership with the Uzbek Forum for Human Rights. Drawing on data science, investigative methodologies, and digital analytics, UzInvestigations produces resources and analysis, which help forensically scrutinise corporate and government power in Uzbekistan.  Our aim is to promote transparency, good governance, human rights, and civic engagement.

UzInvestigations operates two linked websites. UzInvestigations’ “Corporate Spotlight” is a public database. It provides researchers, journalists, activists, and citizens, with access to a large-range of integrated data-sets that allow enhanced due diligence investigations to be conducted into companies, corporate personnel, and government decisions (see further readings for information on the methodology underpinning this project). UzInvestigations’ “Bulletins” is a reporting and training platform. It publishes blogs, articles, reports, and policy briefs, that analyse the integrity of corporate actors and public agencies at the heart of economic and social life in Uzbekistan. Bulletins will also publish training resources designed to support data driven investigations.

UzInvestigations works with a range of media organisations to co-produce outstanding investigative reporting on Uzbekistan in multiple languages. This includes the Revizor multimedia series produced by Uzbek language media service, El-Tuz.

UzInvestigations Resources

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Library Resource
Out of the Cauldron, Into the Fire?

Risk and the Privatisation of Uzbekistan’s Cotton Sector

Rapports et recherches
juin, 2020

Ulster University and the Uzbek Forum for Human Rights has released the first sector wide study on corporate integrity in Uzbekistan.

The report and associated policy brief focus on the cotton cluster system, a landmark privatisation initiative designed to improve agro-industrial productivity, and address the structural drivers of systematic forced labour in Uzbekistan. State-organised forced labour regimes in Uzbekistan’s cotton sector have attracted significant domestic and international criticism over the past decade.

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