Neil Sorensen joined the Land Portal as its Communications Specialist in October 2015. He has extensive experience leading communications for international organizations and developing relationships with civil society, donors, intergovernmental agencies, the media and the private sector. Previously, Neil worked for the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD) as a Governing Bodies Officer and Strategic Adviser to the Secretary of IFAD. He has also led communications for three international organizations, including the International Land Coalition, the International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP) and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). He holds a Master’s degree in Global Diplomacy from the University of London School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) as well as a Bachelor’s degree with a double major in German and Sociology from St. Cloud State University.
Displaying 551 - 560 of 1145Announcing PlaceFund
Today we are pleased to mark the official launch of PlaceFund, an independent US nonprofit organization focused on addressing issues of insecure property rights, unsustainable land use, and climate change. Built off a decade as the Property Rights initiative at Omidyar Network, PlaceFund will operate under the leadership of Peter Rabley and Amy Regas, who will be leaving Omidyar Network to run this venture, and they will take our shared commitment to property rights and geospatial technology into the new decade.
The 2020 Great Development Dialogue: the political economy of land
Friday 24 January 2020, 6.30pm - 8pm
Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, LSE
The Journey to a Better Tomorrow: Land, Climate Change and Gender Experience From the Field
Ardhi Yetu Programme (AYP Plus) is a national land rights advocacy programme that consolidates on-the-ground interventions, while integrating resilience and adaptation. AYP plus utilizes and builds upon the CSO capacity, national forums and joint advocacy platforms developed during the first phase of AYP, to support the overall objective that; active communities and civil society advocate for an inclusive and transparent land sector, strengthening the land tenure security and resilience of small-scale farming and pastoral communities particularly women.
Cadasta Foundation Welcomes New Director of GIS and Technology Chuck Conley
Cadasta Foundation is pleased to welcome Chuck Conley as its new Director of GIS and Technology. In this role, Chuck will serve as Cadasta’s technology solution lead and will work alongside senior leadership to lead, analyze, develop, and implement innovative technical strategies to document the land and resource rights of vulnerable communities.
Conferencia en Tailandia debate estado de derechos humanos en provincias del noreste
Este artículo editado es de The Isaan Record, sitio de noticias independiente de Tailandia, y se reproduce en Global Voices como parte de un acuerdo para compartir contenido. Informes adicionales de Christopher Burdett y Hathairat Phaholtap. Fotografía de Adithep Chanthet.
"¡Claro que sí podemos reforestar la Amazonía!"
Muchos proyectos de recuperación de la selva amazónica han fracasado por no plantar los árboles en el orden adecuado. El proceso puede tardar más de cien años. Pero primero, tiene que tomarse la decisión de hacerlo.
Mujeres indígenas de India luchan por sus derechos sobre la tierra
La indígena Jam Bai, una agricultora de la aldea de Korchi, en el oeste de India, está afanada. Tras dos meses de espera, la lluvia finalmente llegó y debe sembrar en apenas unos días los retoños en sus arrozales, mientras la tierra aún está suave.
El 3 de agosto, aenas unos días antes de que IPS visitara la aldea, las fuerzas de seguridad del gobierno mataron a tiros en otra aldea, a 40 kilómetros de Korchi, a siete rebeldes armados pertenecientes a un grupo radical de extrema izquierda, a cuyos miembros se conocen como «naxals (maoistas)».
Landesa Annual Report 2019
Around the world, land is the foundation of rural life. Perhaps no other asset can equal the transformative power of land to create economic opportunity, boost productivity and food security, and fulfill the promise of fundamental human rights and a life of basic dignity and access to justice.
Frontier Fellow, Future of Property Rights
New America’s Future of Property Rights Program (FPR) was founded to answer the following question: Why is a quarter of the world’s population unable to exercise their fundamental right to property, despite advances in technology and human development?
We believe a disconnect between policymakers and technologists is hindering progress in the global fight for land and property rights.
Land Forum 2020: Strengthening Governance and Land Tenure Rights as a Response to Climate Change
Indigenous people, local communities and family farmers play a critical role in stewarding and safeguarding the world’s lands and forests. Lands and forests managed by indigenous people and local communities have lower deforesta- tion rates, a higher carbon storage potential and a higher biodiversity than other lands, including protected areas.