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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 3221 - 3230 of 6948Strengthening land rights of communities
Stärkung der Landrechte von Gemeinden
Stärkung der Landrechte von Gemeinden
Securing land rights and sustainable development for indigenous people in the North East of Brazil
Landrechtesicherung und Förderung einer selbstbestimmten nachhaltigen Entwicklung indigener Völker im Nordosten Brasiliens
Landrechtesicherung und Förderung einer selbstbestimmten nachhaltigen Entwicklung indigener Völker im Nordosten Brasiliens
Food security and land rights in Kabare and Walungun districts in South Kivu - Continuation
Ernährungssicherheit und Landrechte in den Landkreisen Kabare und Walungun in Süd -Kivu, Fortführung
Steigerung und Diversifizierung der ökologisch nachhaltiger landwirtschaftlichen Produktion, Vermarktung, Verbesserung der Ernährung (quantitative und qualitativ) und ökologisch nachhaltige Wiederinstandsetzung degradierter (erodierter) Ackerflächen.
Enhancing Young Peoples’ Access to Adequate Housing (EYPAH)
To enhance the quality of life for women, men and young people through increased access to sustainable adequate housing by 2023. Expected results; Increased capacity of MUMYO to deliver services to women and youth in greater Mukono area, Increased engagement between authorities and communities on issues of water sanitation hygiene and livelihoods, Demonstration of environmentally sustainable housing practices, Enhanced information sharing on WASH and housing practices for women young people and men, Enhanced access to housing finance and businesses in greater Mukono area , Women young people and men in greater Mukono have sustainable businesses, Increased participation and leadership of women and young people in district development plans, Enhanced access to women and young people's land rights
The organisation has recruited project manager and project accountant. Leaders trained on Cooperative Housing model. The Project Manager participated in a workshop on access to adequate housing. Developed a 5-year strategic plan and key operational manuals (HR, Finance and procurement).
Forest Governance, Markets and Climate (FGMC), Policy Evaluation and Learning Team (PELT)
DFID’s Forest Governance, Markets and Climate (FGMC) programme is a 10-year (2011-2021), £250 million programme aimed at tackling forest governance failures in developing timber-producing countries and the consequent market failures that result in illegal exploitation of forest land and resources and the associated trade in timber and other forest risk commodities. As FGMC approaches the end of its current phase, there is a need to take stock, at programme level, of progress and the prognosis for further achievements. To meet this need, FGMC has commissioned a ‘Policy Evaluation and Learning Team’ (PELT) to carry out research, reviews and analysis, jointly with PMST and DFID, to address the overarching question of: ‘how, why, and under what conditions do forest-related governance and markets change, to what effect and to whose benefit?'
The Green Livelihoods Alliance (2021 - 2025) is an alliance of Gaia Amazonas, IUCN NL, Milieudefensie, NTFP-EP, SDI and Tropenbos International, with Fern and WECF as technical partners. The Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) aims to ensure that tropical forests and forest landscapes are sustainably and inclusively governed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, fulfil human rights and safeguard local livelihoods. In twelve countries in South America, Africa and Asia, as well as internationally, the Alliance works with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) and social movements to: - increase the participation of IPLCs in policy and decision-making regarding land rights and forest governance - strengthen lobby and advocacy to hold governments and industries accountable for deforestation and human rights violations. A crucial prerequisite is to ensure the operational space and security of IPLC leaders, CSO activists, women’s rights and environmental and human rights defenders (EHRDs).