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Land Portal Foundation administrative account
Displaying 751 - 760 of 6947PASSION4COMMUNITY DEVELOPMenT ORG-P4C
The P4C#s Promoting Gender Equality and Women#s social-economic Empowerment in Agago district of Northern Uganda address the human-rights, governance and equity issues such as mass displacement, including high levels of SGBV, suicide, lack of access to education,health services, land disputes and loss of productive assets that greatly affected women disproportionately due to the prolonged war in Northern Uganda. The project approach is to target women, youth, men, and representatives of local to ensureto have societal buy-in of the strategy of the various interest groups and key stakeholders and to establish strong linkages and partnerships with the Government, financial institutions, private sector, and the civil society as to accelerate project gains, and sustain project impact. The project aims to bring about significant and sustainable improvements in women#s social status, economic productivity and participation, politico-legal awareness and improved access to property and other rights. The objectives include: 1. Mobilise and build the capacity of at least 800 women for taking up action to realize their rights and entitlements, 2. Undertake economic activities to improve their livelihoods and increasingly participate in decision making in domestic and public spheres##. 3. Increase household incomes and reduced dependence on violent providers (economic empowerment) 4. Advocate for quality public services and accessing justice and redressing grievances and will be realizing their rights and entitlements (political and legal empowerment) 5. Mobilise andbuild capacity of individual and organized action to address persistence exclusion and violence, access entitlements/social services and exercise greater ownership over resources within one year (social empowerment)
CCI#s Strengthening Women#s Land Rights and access to resources (STWELARR) project intends to contribute to increased access to land ownership by women and address land induced violence and abuse against women in Lango Sub-region. It will focus on the following objectives: 1. Increase community knowledge on women rights to Land and resources at local and different levels; 2. Enhance the capacity of stakeholders and different leaders at local and district level to support women#s rights to land. 3. To support the amplification of women#s voice on land at different forum. The project will be focusing on supporting women to have a space and voice and will work in Lira District in Lango sub-region. It is estimated to cost Euro 25,000. The project will take 18 months which is one and half years and is expected to reach out to more than 8,000 people through different platforms, where Over 10,000 community members sensitized over radio and respecting women#s right to land and resources.
Contribute to gender equality
The overall goal of the project is to contribute to gender equality within pastoralists and agro-pastoralists communities through capacity building on gender equality and countering gender-based violence and harmful traditional practices that harm women,youth andgirls in accessing their rights and attaining their potentials in life. The project specific objectives include, raising awareness and knowledge of community groups on gender equality, leadership skills and participation in decision-making processes. Also to promote understanding and awareness of community men, women and youth on land rights and property ownership. The some of immediate outcomes that will support the longer term outcomes by women and youth pastoralists and agro-pastoralists is having better individual andcollective ability to control productive resources including land and natural resources, increased awareness of their socio and economic rights, and have increased leadership and governance skills for greater voice and participation of women and youth in decision making at household, community, government and market levels. Within the context Lareto Co-operative through land rights awareness and education training to the wards, women and youth leaders and communities on land Act No. 4 of 1999 and village Land Act No. 5 of 1999 will ensure their rights on land ownership and use, management, right of ownership roles and responsibilities by gender onall matters regarding family, and village land. The village and ward government leaders, women and youth leaders, traditional leaders, ward land tribunals will be trained and informed on the role of making informed decisions in land matters, importance of genderequality and of helping women and youth marginalized groups in thesociety taking part in political and decision making processes. Rights to property ownership to all community groups will also be emphasized. Empowering the community members on land matters will reduce land conflicts among different land users and this will also guarantees the rights of women and youth to own land and other properties that they can use to promote their livelihood. Equal participation of women and youth in political affairs will help thesegroups to participate and influence decisionmaking on the issues that really matters to them, including land and other rights to economic resources. The project will also enhance the land rights and security through awareness of both men and women in selected villages of Monduli District. The skills and knowledge gained from this project will empower pastoralists and agro-pastoralist women and youths to participate equitably in decision-making within their communities and in government and other relevant forums, and ableto face their specific challenges in promoting and enjoying their livelihoods
Farmers for land installation
The project targets to support some 100 women and men Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARB) members of ORKALEFF to formally occupy their awarded land after 22 years since titles were transferred to them under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). More than half of those to be installed are senior citizens or nearing their 60s. Other ARBs are women or heirs of deceased ARBs. The ORKALEFF is a provincial federation of 14 ARB Organizations (ARBOs) in Leyte working to secure the land tenure and economic empowerment of its members. The project will 1) capacitate the ARBs on their land rights, improve negotiation strategies and skills, and how to counter uncooperative former landowners who continue to block their entry; 2) guide the ARBs on how to comply with the legal documentary requirements and procedures for ARB installation; 2) hold security and installation planning with the DAR, the Philippine National Police and other agencies; 4) conduct actual installations into their awarded land, and; 5)conduct farm planning and organizational development with a perspective on gender issues and sustainable agriculture practices. ORKALEFF and its 5 PO members for installation (i.e., AALIVEFA, DOLFA, JUFA, KAFA, and SALASAFA) will engage KAISAHAN for technical and legal support and RDII for integrating gender and sustainable agriculture into their strategies for farm and organizational development as owner-cultivators. These groups will co-organize training activities with ORKALEFF on Advanced Paralegal Formation for the installations and Farm and Organizational Development to prepare them as new owner-cultivators. RDII will act as the host organization for ORKALEFF since it was just registered in 2017. Meanwhile, KAISAHAN will mentor ORKALEFF in completing their legal requirements for the installations. The actual installation of the 100 ARBs and the capacity building activities are targeted to be done within 10 months.
DLCI 'Axn on Comm. Land Act in ASALs'
The Drylands Learning and Capacity Building Initiative (DLCI) for Improved Policy and Practice in the Horn of Africa (DLCI) is an independent non-profit organisation registered in Kenya. DLCI promotes learning and advocacy on dry land issues throughout East Africa. In recent years it has focused on Kenya particularly the counties of Turkana, Isiolo and Marsabit. In 2016, DLCI carried out an extensive process of consultations with remote and marginalised communities in Turkana, Isiolo and Marsabit to identify key concernsand issues around community land law and community benefits as well as participation of marginalised communities in policy and planning consultations. DLCI proposes to continue with community consultations in these counties, and that their voices are represented and concerns addressed in the community land registration regulations and support is provided for communities to register their landthat will mitigate conflict and ensure strong sustainable management in future. DLCI will also lobby and raise awareness with government agencies to promote genuine community participation in policy and planning processes and improve the relationship and trust between government and communities in the new administration. DLCI will promote access to critical government policies and strategiesand evidence based analysis by developing a policy portal on its website and developing policy syntheses and accessible communication materials on critical issues.
CO-Uganda Women's Leadership Project
The proposed project builds on the concluded 5-year Raising Her Voice Project (RHVP) which was conceived and designed to influence the Uganda Government to ratify and domesticate the Africa Union Protocol on Women#s Rights without harmful reservations; and to contribute to promoting the role of women in the decision-making processes affecting their lives. The five-year Project was launched in2008 and ended in March 2013. This project will be part of the 2nd phase of the RHV with started march 2014. Although the 2nd phaseof the project focuses on fostering Local women#s activism and leadership to advance Women#s land rights and fight against VAW, the3rd year of the 2nd phase of RHV will only focus on Women#s Land rights. This project aims to build onthis momentum by specifically building capacity of rural women and women leaders to be at the forefront of advocating for the issues impinging on their rights especially the right to Land especially land inheritance and succession rights. The project will building women#s capacity to engage with the governance framework and cultural institutions at different levels so that functional land management structures are put in place and responsive to the needs of women. It#s envisaged that the engagement ofwomen with cultural institutions and Legal framework will increase land accessibility for women as well and control. The voices of women At local level, the project will be implemented in 3 sub regions of the Greater north , in the districts of Lamwo, Kitgum( Acholi region) Kabong and Kotido( Karamoja region)and Nebbi and Arua (Westnile region). Given the situation of women in northern Uganda with regard to high land ownership injustices and other injustices against women, domestication and implementation of the Maputo Protocol is important to address gaps in policy, laws and implementation of programmes to address women#s rights. The project will focus on pushing for the implementation of the recently passed land policy.
Counterpart 501568 Oxfam GB Indonesia
Oxfam Great Britain is an independent British organization and has an office in Jakarta. Within the context of Indonesia Economic Justice Program OGB aims to develop private sector engagement in Indonesia, with the support of Oxfam Novib. The contribution of Oxfam Novib helps OGB to execute projects on value chains (a.o. palm oil), land rights, climate change, tax justice and inequality and water advocacy. The budget is partially used by OGB for staff and office costs (less than 40,000 #).
Advocacy Coalition Support
The Coalition Support Programme (CSP) aims to contribute to more accountable governance and to more progressive policy processes and impacts in Vietnam. CSP operates by identifying, fostering and supporting issue-based coalitions for effective advocacy within thepolicy making process. #Coalitions# in this context means multi-stakeholder cooperation among Vietnamese NGOs (VNGOs), state agencies at different levels, media, universities and research institutes, and the private sector. CSP expected to deliver the following outcomes: Improve policies, policy making and monitoring processes via (1) Functioning coalitions ready to act on issues of public concern through effective multi-stakeholder involvement in policy processes, and (2) Strengthening engagement of non-governmental organisations at national and sub-national levels to promote public participation and accountability in law-making and oversight agenda of the National Assembly. Six coalitions have been supported through the implementation phase (phase 1, from 2013 to 2015) on Mining, Forest Land (Forland), Land Policy (Landa), Clean Water, Health, and Agriculture. The coalitions joined CSP on a rolling basis over the first year of the implementation phase: Mining and Forland began in March 2013;Landa in June 2013; Clean Water in September 2013; and Health and Agriculture in January 2014. In addition to policy processes advocated by each of the six coalitions,CSP identified key cross-cutting policy opportunities affecting the operating environment for coalition members. In 2015, CSP contributed to 5 cross-cutting processes. In total, the six coalitions and CSP have contributed to 43 policy processes during the last three years (with some processes extending over more than one year). From January 2016, CSP decides to support 4 coalitions, including Mining Coalition, Forland, Clean Water Coalition, and Agriculture Coalition base on the result of end-term review.
HO-503001 TU ALIVE
To support and enable rural women#s voices to ensure access to and control over their productive resources across Africa. Specific objectives:(1) To monitor actions taken by governments in key countries, and Regional Economic Communities, implementing relevant AUinstruments (listed in 1.1.2); (2) To facilitate the strengthening of women#s voices at community level in the face of Large Scale Land Based Investments (LSLBI); (3) To strengthen Pan-African-level civil society leadership and advocacy in support of securing land rights for women and communities. The proposed Action will support Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to contribute to a better enforcement of women#s rights, to implement AU priority policies in the target area and to facilitate the inclusion of women#s land rights priorities in the elaboration of such policies. This consortium of applicants believes strongly that gender discrimination in land rights prevents women from realizing the full benefit from their hard work and it is a constraint on Africa#s development. Thisis also anchored in broader instruments of the African Union, including the Constitutive Act of the AU, especially Article 4-l, on the promotion of gender equality; the African Land Policy Initiative#s Gender Strategy (LPI-GS) for the operationalisation of the Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa; the implementation of the AU#s Guiding Principles on Large Scale Land-Based Investments (GP-LSLBI); the Protocol on Women#s Rights towards achieving Africa#s Agenda 2063, the Maputo Protocol, and the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa. If successfully implemented, these AU instruments will significantly boost the struggle of securing women#s land rights on the continent and there is certainly a role to play for CSOs to make this happen. Clearly, African governments have the leverage to AU instrument implementation and negotiate desirable investments and national parliaments need to play a strong oversight role on land rights and forms of agricultural investment. In order to do this effectively, African government officials concluded at the 2014 Conference on Land Policy in Africa that there was a need to create spaces for engagement with civilsociety. This action seeks to contribute and strengthen the advocacy agenda of the CSOs platform established in December 2014; and actively engaging the Land Policy Initiative. At the same time, Oxfam and its consortium partners realize that in order to have successful advocacy and monitoring taking place there is a need to also have a bottom-up approach, to capture grass-root experiences. This project will thus train CSOs to support women and communities to deal with national governments and private sector investors regarding LSLBIs. A recently developed gendered Community Guide to Participating in Large Scale Land Investments will be made available for this. As such, women and communities will have an increased say in these investments, as well as being able to send a strong message to their governments, private sector, and the African Union. This action#s main objective is to support and enable rural women#s voices to ensure access to and control over their productive resources across Africa. Each of the specific objectives (see table 1.1.1.) has a set of linked activities which will be implemented over a 3 year (36 months) period, which is required in order to rollout the capacity building around LSLBI and to implement the programme of monitoring, in such a way that it generates evidence for sustained civil society advocacy leading to change at country and AU level. The action using is using a combination of capacity development of CSOs (for example, development of generic materials to support multi-country monitoring, CSO training of trainers module on the use of the gendered LSLBI tool; workshops with existing national/regional platforms; CSO platform members supported to promotemonitoring/community engagement), community sensitisation/ awareness raising (for example, annual public events to draw attention to progress made; support community training and lessons learned; national workshops involving women from communities), advocacy and monitoring (support periodic participatory monitoring activities to generate national monitoring reports inthe form of scorecards) and research (aggregate results from national monitoring work, integrating experiences from the community engagement work, and publishing of continental reports). Key stakeholders groups include women in rural communities who areoften not consulted on issues related to land and deprived of their land rights; regional, national and local organisations and networks representing the interests of women, small-holder farmers, and rural communities in general, who can improve their roleas representatives and defenders of Women Land Rights (WLR); national and local government actors are involved in land governance and land deals, in particular national investment agencies, and ministries of land and agriculture; traditional authorities are also often involved, on behalf of communities; companies involved in LSLBI, in particular agribusiness and investors in agriculture; the relevant African Union-level organs, especially the Land Policy Initiative (LPI), can also play a role, particularly in relation to monitoring and implementation of strategies and norms. Their buy-in to credibly support monitoring and accountability of gendered policies and standards, as well as to support community engagement which is empowering of women (in line with the aims of this action) could lead to negotiations that privilege and protects WLR. This consortium is ideally placed to address the above issues, and is geographically well spread. Oxfam has a long history of supporting work to improve land governanceacross Africa. It helped found many of the national land alliances, has a long track record of working on WLR, and more recently, in addressing the policies and practices of the private sector when it comes to land issues. For this project, the consortiumalso will make use of Oxfam#s AU Liaison Office in Addis Ababa. PROPAC helps to mobilise rural women from across Africa to seek accountability from decision makers at national and continental level. PROPAC, which is basedin Cameroon, will serve as aleadorganisation to mobilise and coordinate other CSOs involved in the action in the target countries through their membership of the International Land Coalition (ILC) and the Pan African Farmers Organization (PAFO). The Institute forPoverty, Land andAgrarian Studies (PLAAS) from South Africa is a university-based research institute which conducts research, training and policy engagement on the social, political and economic dynamics of rural and agro-food system restructuring in Southern Africa.
Fair Finance Asia - Sida - Indonesia Pro
The Fair Finance Asia Program (FFA) envisages to reduce the negative impact of national and cross-border bank investments in Asia on human rights, the environment and climate change, and to increase adequate financial services for pro-poor, inclusive economic development. The goal is to establish a sustainable financial sector in Asia, with financial sector institutions operating at national and regional level being more transparent and accountable and adhering to Economic, Social and Governance (ESG)-criteria. FFA is funded by Sida. This project is implemented by Perkumpulan Prakarsa (PRAKARSA). Prakarsa is a local NGO working to nurture and enhancewelfare ideas and initiatives through independent research and active participation for stakeholders in order to create social justice and a prosperous society. It is the lead organisation of the Fair Finance Guide Indonesia (Responsibank) coalition, and was involved in Fair Finance Guide International and Fair Financial Flows programmes. This project aims to contribute to the FFA goals by developing the capacities of national CSOs that are also participating in the Fair Finance Guide coalition. Capacity development is undertaken to ensure that the high-level regional negotiation, advocacy and lobbyingprocess is performed by CSOs that are well-capacitated on financial sector issues, and are familiar and understand the financial structure in Asia. Research will be performed on 8 existing banks, with a mixture of state-owned banks and (biggest operating)banks in Asia. The research will focus its study on the role of the banks in expanding the palm oil business in Southeast Asia (as the palm oil business is held responsible for deforestation, land degradation, human rights abuse and land grabbing) and investments in cement plant and factories (as they caused social and environmental problems). As part of its influencing efforts, the financial services authority is approached to promote fair finance /sustainable finance in the country and at the regionallevel. Up until now, Prakarsa as the lead organization play the major role in decision making process. Coalition member organizations are involved mostly in advocacy process with regulators. Some are involvedin the research depends on the focus issueofthe research and the expertise of organization. YLKI as consumer association played important role in financial education, TuK has focused to do campaign in the palm oil financing, WALHI is against fossil fuel financing, Kemitraan is in favor to promote climate finance, PWYP Indonesia has concern on extractive industry but not specific from the investment point of view, while other organizations at the moment do not have specific works that is directly related to financial sector.