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Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 116/99 approving the Regulation of the Director Municipal Plan of Sintra.

Southern Europe

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Regulation of the Director Municipal Plan of the town of Sintra. It consists of 100 articles and 5 annexes specifying urban and non-urban land use planning in order to manage, control and valorising the aforementioned area (in any different sector).

Implements: Decree-Law No. 69/90 regulating the legal regime for municipal land use planning. (1990-03-02)

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 117/99 approving the Regulation for the Land Planning of Albufeira de Maranhão.

Southern Europe

This Resolution of the Council of Ministers approves the Regulation for the Land Planning of Albufeira de Maranhão (POAM), located in the district of Avis. POAM regulates the activities to be performed within the aforementioned area, promoting irrigation and public water supply. It consists of 4 chapters divided as follows: General provisions (chap. 1); General provisions for land use and building purposes (chap. 2); Zoning (chap. 3); Other provisions (chap. 4).

Council of Ministers Resolution No. 92/99 approving Urban Planning of Viana do Castelo.

Southern Europe

A Council of Ministers Resolution approving Urban Planning of Viana do Castelo. This Resolution regulates land settlement, land use and transformation within the aforesaid area, divided into 13 chapters and 1 annex as follows: Definition (chap. 1); Land classification (chap. 2); Urban lands (chap. 3); Industrial areas (chap. 4); Agricultural lands (chap. 5); Forestry areas (chap. 6); Protected areas (chap. 7); Cultural activity (chap. 8); Road network (chap. 9); Water supply (chap. 10); Management services (chap. 11); Final provisions (chap. 12); Definition (chap. 13).

Ministerial Decree No. 1327 of 1994 regarding the validation of the Agreement between the Russian Federation and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development concerning the land based credit for putting into effect land reform.

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees to validate the Agreement between the Russian Federation and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development concerning the land based credit for putting into effect land reform that was signed in Washington on 22 June 1994. The sum of the land based credit is 80 million US dollars. This Decree establishes that the restitution of the credit must be financed by the introduction of the special land tax.

Ministerial Decree No. 621 of 1998 defining the sphere of competence of the Ministry on Land Policy, Construction and Living Facilities.

Eastern Europe

The Government decrees that the Ministry on Land Policy, Construction and Living Facilities (MINZEMSTROJ) has the status of a Federal Authority responsible for the carrying out and coordination of the unitary state policy in the field of land relationship, construction, geodetic and map-making service, architecture, urban development, land registration and valuation.

Decree No. 193 of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the Regulation on updating cadastre value of immovable property.

Northern Europe

This Decree establishes the modalities of updating cadastre value of immovable property (revision and re-calculation) subject to application of levies and taxes. Cadastre value of immovable property shall be updated by 1 January of the following year if within 15 October of the previous year was updated cadastre value of urban and rural land, was conducted zoning, due to change of land boundaries as a result of new mapping or due to change or modification of specific purposeful use of land.

Décret nº 97-2468 fixant les pièces constitutives des schémas directeurs d'aménagement.

Northern Africa

Ce décret fixe les pièces constitutives des schémas directeurs d'aménagement, qui se composent d'un rapport, d'un schéma directeur proprement dit sous forme d'une ou de plusieurs cartes et d'un plan programme.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 94-122 portant promulgation du Code de l'aménagement du territoire et de l'urbanisme. (1994-11-28)

Décret nº D/95/312/PRG/SGG règlementant le permis de construire, de modifier ou de démolir sur le territoire national.

Western Africa

Ce décret porte réglementation du permis de construire, de modifier ou de démolir, exigé dans toutes les localités ayant fait l'objet d'opérations d'aménagement et d'urbanisme. Ce décret est formé par 30 articles répartis en 7 chapitres, à savoir: Dispositions générales (I); Demande du permis de construire, de modifier ou de démolir (II); Elaboration du projet (III); Examen et suite à donner aux demandes (IV); Caractère du permis de construire, de modifier ou de démolir (V); Conformité du contrôle et sanctions (VI) et Dispositions finales (VII).

Règlement grand-ducal modifiant le règlement grand-ducal du 10 avril 1997 déclarant obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global Haff Réimech.

Western Europe

Les articles suivants du susdit règlement sont modifiés: L'article 2 contenant les diverses zones du plan d'aménagement global; l'article 3 sur la zone non-aedificandi; l'article 4 traitant la zone d'activité économique sud; l'article 5 sur la zone verte. Après l'article 10, il est ajouté un article 10a concernant la zone d'activité économique nord. Le règlement est composé par 2 articles et 1 annexe portant le plan d'aménagement global, Haff Réimech.

Modifie: Règlement grand-ducal déclarant obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff Réimech". (1997-04-10)

Decreto Nº 26.771/J - Reglamento del Registro Público.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Decreto aprueba el Reglamento del Registro Público, que tiene bajo su competencia la registración y la expedición de certificaciones acerca de la constitución, modificación y extinción de derechos sobre propiedad inmueble, hipotecas comunes y de cédulas, sociedades mercantiles y civiles, asociaciones civiles, poderes de personas físicas y concesiones de la zona marítima terrestre.

Enmendado por: Decreto Nº 35.509/J - Reglamento de organización del Registro Inmobiliario. (2009-09-30)

Ministerial Decree No. 921 regarding the validation of the Regulation on state technical registration and inventory of the urban planning objects.

Eastern Europe

The Government, for the purpose of the realization of the state control over urban planning, the improvement of the land use planning and ensuring the state executive bodies with the trustworthy information as regards the surroundings, decrees to validate the Regulation. The Federal Committee on Construction, Housing and Communal Services is the especially authorized institution for the state regulation in the sphere of state technical registration and inventory of the urban planning objects.

Order No. 49 regarding the validation of the Regulation on the modalities of keeping up of the register of the municipal units.

Eastern Europe

All the municipalities present on the territory of the Russian Federation must be recorded in the Federal Register. The authorized body of the regional administration must forward to the competent authority a copy of explanatory note containing the following data: 1) information regarding settlements that make part of a given municipality; 2) data on the boundaries of settlements and municipalities. The Regulation consists of 6 Parts. Part 1 lays down the general provisions. Part 2 establishes the modalities of entering municipal units into the Federal Register.