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An Act to amend Public Law 11-84; and for other purposes (P.L. 12-2).

Northern Mariana Islands

This Act amends the Public Purpose Definition Act so as to provide for the ratification of expenditures made for public purposes.A new provision is added to the Act: “Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act or other Law to the contrary, expenditures authorized and regulated by legislative rules are expressly declared to be for a public purpose, unless proved by clear and convincing evidence that the expenditure in fact as for a personal or political activity.”

Beach Preservation Act of 1998 (P.L. No. 11-62).

Northern Mariana Islands

This Act places restrictions on the mining of sand on beaches in order to protect the natural environment and the coastal zone and to prevent its deterioration and destruction.The Act prohibits the excavation or removal of sand from a prohibited area, i.e. presumably an area other than an Authorized Area. An Authorized Area is an area outside the coastal zone that has been designated by the Secretary of the Department of Public Works in concurrence with the Coastal Resources Management Office and the Division of Public Lands as a sand mining area.

An Act to define “public purpose” pursuant to Section 1, Article X of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Constitution; and for other purposes (P.L. No. 11-84).

Northern Mariana Islands

This Act provides a definition of “public purpose” applicable wherever that term appears in the constitution, laws. statutes, code, rules and regulations of the Commonwealth, unless otherwise provided for by law. The term “public purpose” shall include, but not be limited to, any purpose which meets one or more of the criteria set out by this Act. The Act also defines a public purpose in relation with the occurance of (natural) disasters.

Amended by: An Act to amend Public Law 11-84; and for other purposes (P.L. 12-2). (2000-03-31)

An Act to to amend section 2674 of Public Law 10-57 in order to further protect and preserve places important to the culture, traditions and history of the people of the Northern Mariana Islands; and for other purposes (P.L. 11-48).

Northern Mariana Islands

This Act makes provision for the protection and conservation of public land of Managaha Island.These public lands that are of importance to culture, traditions and history of the people of the Northern Mariana Islands shall be leased preferentially to persons, including corporations, of Northern Marianas descent.

Décret portant organisation de l'aménagement du territoire (1).

Western Europe

Décret de la Région Flandres portant organisation de l'aménagement du territoire. L'article 4 établit que l'aménagement du territoire est axé sur un développement durable de l'aménagement du territoire, gérant l'espace disponible au profit de la présente génération, sans pour autant compromettre les besoins des futures générations.

Regional Act No. 42 on forestry.

Southern Europe

This Act regulates interventions in matter of better exploitation of the soil, of the environment and of agri-sylvipastoral resources. For this purpose there shall be a rational selvicultural management, the improvement of biological balances and the prevention of hydrogeological disasters.

Loi nº 98-016 relative à la gestion participative des oasis.

Western Africa

Cette loi a pour objet de définir le cadre juridique adéquat pour une gestion participative des oasis et des zones assimilées pour le développement durable de leurs ressources, ainsi que la détermination des règles générales applicables à leur protection et à leur mise en valeur. Elle comporte 35 articles répartis en 3 chapitres, à savoir: Dispositions generales (i); Cadres de gestion (ii); Dispositions relatives à la mise en valeur et à la protection du milieu oasien (iii).

Ley Nº 19.561 - Modifica el Decreto Ley Nº 701 sobre fomento forestal.

South America

La presente Ley modifica, entre otros, los siguientes artículos del Decreto Ley Nº 701 de 1974 sobre fomento forestal, cuyo texto fue reemplazado mediante el Decreto Ley Nº 2.565 de 1979. El objeto de la ley es regular la actividad forestal en suelos de aptitud preferentemente y en suelos degradados e incentivar la forestación, en especial, por parte de los pequeños propietarios forestales y aquélla necesaria para la prevención de la degradación, protección y recuperación de los suelos del territorio nacional (art. 1º).