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Decreto Nº 1.273 - Modifica el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural, en lo relacionado con las Zonas de Interés de Desarrollo Rural, Económico y Social (Zidres).

augustus, 2016

El presente Decreto modifica el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural, en relación con las Zonas de Interés de Desarrollo Rural, Económico y Social (Zidres). Para la identificación de las áreas potenciales para declarar una Zidres, la Unidad de Planificación de Tierras Rurales, Adecuación de Tierras y Usos Agropecuarios (UPRA) verificará el cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en la Ley 1776 de 2016.

Biofortificação As controvérsias e as ameaças à soberania e segurança alimentar e nutricional

Manuals & Guidelines
juli, 2016

Muito oportuna e elucidativa essa publicação do FBSSAN que me foi dada a honra de apresentar. A biofortificação de alimentos tem se destacado entre os temas do crescente debate nacional e internacional no campo da nutrição, aí incluída sua relação com a agricultura. Como é usual em se tratando dos alimentos, este debate é permeado por interesses de várias ordens, sobretudo econômicos, com a apropriação de significados acompanhada do tradicional apelo à gravidade dos problemas (fome ou deficiência de nutrientes) que clama por soluções urgentes e milagrosas.

Jelutung (Dyera polyphylla) agroforestry on drained peatlands

Reports & Research
juli, 2016

Dyera polyphylla, which is locally known as jelutung, is a tree that produces latex. The latex is used for chewing gums, insulator, tube, and others. The wood is soft and bright colour, which can be used for pulp, plywood, pencil, wooden toy, and others. It naturally grows on peat swamp forests in Sumatra and Kalimantan (Indonesian part of Borneo). Along with fast deforestation, population of wild jelutung is decreasing. In the era of degraded peatland restoration, jelutung was promoted to be planted in reforestation and afforestation.

Motivações migratórias rural-urbanas e perspectivas de regresso ao campo- uma análise do desenvolvimento rural em Moçambique a partir de Maputo

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2016

O ritmo migratório rural-urbano é frequentemente superior à taxa de crescimento natural dapopulação citadina, em resultado da procura de oportunidades de emprego por parte daspopulações rurais, o que reflecte (e cria novas) pressões sociais e económicas.Ao longo deste texto procura-se compreender os factores que levam as populações de origemrural a migrar para a cidade de Maputo, assim como compreender as dinâmicas de relacionamentodas mesmas, uma vez na cidade, com o seu universo de origem.

The Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act, 2016

juli, 2016

An Act to deal with establishment of funds under the public accounts of India and of each State, credit the monies received from the user agencies towards compensatory afforestation, additional compensatory afforestation, penal compensatory afforestation, net present value and all other amounts recovered from such agencies under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980.

Kenya Natural Disaster Profile

Training Resources & Tools
juli, 2016

Kenya’s landscape covers a total of 583 000 sq. km12 and is grouped into geographical zones including; the Savannah Lands covering most of the arid and semi- arid areas, the Coastal Margin, the Rift Valley, the Highlands and the Lake Victoria Basin. With a growth rate of 3.1% the population stands at approximately 29 million people. The country’s GNP/Capita is close to US$330. By the year 2010 and with a slow decline, the population is expected to reach a high of 39.3 million, 37.4 million with the medium decline and 35.5 million with a fast decline.

Five-year Development Plan 2016 – 2020 for the Agricultural, Marine Fisheries and Natural Resources Sectors.

National Policies
juli, 2016

This sectoral document aims to illustrate and analyse the main factors of development policy concerning some sectors of fundamental importance for the Tunisian economy.Strategic objectives for the agricultural sector are (i) the natural resources sustainable development together with the reduction of the impacts of climate change through traditional water resources mobilization form groundwater and non-traditional water resources from desalinization and use of treated water; (ii) addressing real estate situations, resistance to ownership dispersion and exploitation of agricultural lands; (i

Biomass Productivity-Based Mapping of Global Land Degradation Hotspots

Journal Articles & Books
juli, 2016
Central Asia

Land degradation affects negatively the livelihoods and food security of
global population. There have been recurring efforts by the international community
to identify the global extent and severity of land degradation. Using the long-term
trend of biomass productivity as a proxy of land degradation at global scale, we
identify the degradation hotspots in the world across major land cover types. We
correct factors confounding the relationship between the remotely sensed vegetation

Restoration of degraded land for food security and poverty reduction in East Africa and the Sahel: taking successes in land restoration to scale - Summary

Institutional & promotional materials
juli, 2016
Eastern Africa
Western Africa

Project goal is to reduce food insecurity and improve livelihoods of poor people living in African
drylands by restoring degraded land
and returning it to effective and sustainable
tree, crop and livestock production, thereby
increasing land profitability as well as landscape
and livelihood resilience.

Environmental Risks and Poverty

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
juli, 2016
Eastern Asia

This study combines high-resolution, geo-spatial data and household data from the Vietnam Living Standard Measurement Surveys in 2010, 2012, and 2014 to investigate the relationship between environmental risks and poverty.