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Closing the Enforcement Gap: Groundtruthing of Environmental Violations in Sarguja, Chhattisgarh

Policy Papers & Briefs
juni, 2016

This document, titled Closing the Enforcement Gap: Groundtruthing of Environmental Violations in Sarguja, Chhattisgarh,is the second in the series of community led groundtruthing exercises carried out by the Centre for Policy Research (CPR)-Namati Environmental Justice Program in partnership with Janabhivyakti and Hasdeo Arand Bachao Sangharsh Samiti (HABSS).

Economics of Land Degradation Initiative: Report for the Private Sector

Conference Papers & Reports
juni, 2016

With around one third of the world’s arable land degraded, estimated annual losses of 6.3 to 10.6 USD trillion, and a projected need to increase food production from land by 70 per cent by 2050, we simply cannot afford to neglect the loss of potential production from careless land management. Whenever land is not producing at its potential,it is an under-performing asset that requires investments to ensure the future supply chains that many industries depend upon.

Remote sensing based assessment of the dynamics of crop productivity and spatial production pattern across the Fergana Valley, Central Asia

Conference Papers & Reports
juni, 2016
Central Asia

Agricultural production systems are a vital lifeline of the rural farming community in Central Asia. However, shrinking natural resource base, increased land degradation and severe irrigation water scarcity render current crop production practices not sustainable as these perform below their potential. Though there is considerable scope for improving productivity through bridging the yield gaps and introducing sustainable land management practices. However crop productivity and production pattern varies across scales, mostly driven by irrigation water availability, markets, and

Management of water and salinity in the Nile Delta: A cross-scale integrated analysis of efficiency and equity issues

Conference Papers & Reports
juni, 2016
Northern Africa

The overall aim of the project is to identify physical and institutional interventions to improve water management using an integrated approach across scales (from farm to main canal levels) and encompassing water quantity–quality interactions. The project’s geographical focus is the Nile Delta in Egypt.
The project was originally planned for four years. Due to a policy change announced by the Australian Government in reducing the aid investment in the Middle East and North Africa, including Egypt, the duration of the project was reduced to three years.

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Report: Developing a Demonstration Site in Nepal on Community Forestry, Gender and Climate Change Adaptation

Reports & Research
juni, 2016

In this context, RECOFTC and USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific have developed a framework for better understanding and assessing climate change vulnerabilities in a context of multiple competing interests in a CF landscape. The pilot site for developing this approach was a women-led Community Forestry User Group (CFUG) in the Terai of Nepal; the Bishnupur community forest. The context in Bishnupur reflects challenges associated with the ecologically fragile Chure Forest, but also one of growing opportunities for economic development due to the close proximity of the Indian border.

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Report: Developing a Demonstration Site in Nepal on Community Forestry, Gender and Climate Change Adaptation

Reports & Research
juni, 2016

This report is part of the USAID Climate Change Adaptation Project Preparation Facility for Asia and The Pacific project and details efforts to establish a long-term demonstration site in Nepal to identify CF-CCA interventions through participatory approaches, develop proposals for priority interventions, access external finance for a minimum of one intervention, and then implement the intervention(s) through the women-led CFUG.

Malaysia Economic Monitor, June 2016

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2016
Eastern Asia

The MEM is the World Bank's biannual flagship publication on Malaysia. It provides analysis of recent economic developments and the near-term outlook for Malaysia. Each publication also focuses on a special topic related to Malaysia's transformation into a high-income economy. Malaysia is at the forefront of a "new generation" of trade agreements that will shape trade and investment over the next decade. The 14th MEM focuses on how Malaysia can use trade agreements to bring new opportunities to the Malaysian economy and accelerate its transition to high income status.

Republic of Mozambique

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2016

This Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) is designed to assess the key constraints and opportunities facing Mozambique as it strives to sustain robust growth and macroeconomic stability while accelerating poverty reduction and promoting greater economic inclusiveness. The SCD is organized into six chapters. Chapter two describes the evolution of poverty and inequality, explores their regional and demographic dimensions, and identifies strategies for accelerating poverty reduction.

Grenada National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020

National Policies
juni, 2016

The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan is a cross-sectoral national strategic document of Grenada for the period of 2016-2020. Its main objective is to provide a holistic and practical framework for actions on conservation and sustainable use of national biodiversity for enhanced human wellbeing and livelihoods.The strategic priorities to achieve the objective are enhanced national capacity for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use and key national ecosystems restored and sustainably managed.

The urgent call for land degradation vulnerability assessment for conserving land quality in the purview of climate change: Perspective from South Indian Coast

Journal Articles & Books
juni, 2016

Generating an extensive knowledge base on land degradation risk in different locations of the world is essential for developing effective mitigation and adaptation strategies. A changing climate will affect the land, soil and water resources in many ways. In this context, this study aimed to understand the possibility of present and future land degradation in the study area in the purview of global warming through the analyzing aridity index (AI), sea level rise trends and soil analysis. The study area is a semi-arid coastal region characterized by tropical climate.

Reducing land degradation and farmers’ vulnerability to climate change in the highland dry areas of north-western Ethiopia inception workshop agenda

Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2016
Eastern Africa

Reducing land degradation and farmers’ vulnerability to climate change in the highland dry areas of north-western Ethiopia inception workshop agenda.