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Mining Act, 2016 (No. 12 of 2016).

mei, 2016

This Act provides rules for the prospecting for and mining of minerals specified in the First Schedule to this Act. Save to the extent provided for in this Act, it shall not apply to matters relating to petroleum and hydrocarbon gases. The Cabinet Secretary responsible for mining, the Principal Secretary of the responsible ministry and any person shall be guided by the values and principles enshrined in the Constitution and in particular Articles 10, 66 (2), 201 (c) and (d), and 232 of the Constitution and the principles of leadership and integrity.

Decree-Law No. 10/2016 approving the General Rules of the Territorial Land Use Planning (POT) of the Ataúro Island.

mei, 2016

This Decree-Law, consisting of 18 articles divided into five Chapters, establishes the general norms regulating the Territorial Land Use Planning (POT) of the Ataúro Island, including its territorial management instruments, as well as actions, programmes, projects and any licensing or authorizations, whether public or private.

Regulation on private and public forests.

mei, 2016

This Regulation sets forth principles and procedures of works and operations regarding private and public forests. This Regulation includes provisions on management and conservation of private and public forests, forest cadastre, forest planning, inspection, environmental impact assessment, as well as permit processes for works and operations regarding private and public forests.

Implements: Forest Law No. 6831. (1956-08-31)
Implements: Law No. 3234 on the General Directorate of Forests (OGM). (1985-10-31)

Financiamiento y aspectos institucionales para el Manejo Forestal Comunitario en la Amazonía peruana. Guía para el facilitador.

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2016
El Salvador
Costa Rica

La falta de acceso a recursos financieros es una de las razones por las que no se llevan a cabo actividades e inversiones forestales, a pesar de ser atractivas económica, social y ambientalmente. Es necesario, por tanto, una mejor comunicación e intercambio de información a fin de desarrollar estrategias e instrumentos financieros que sean sostenibles y adecuados a las necesidades del Manejo Forestal Comunitario (MFC). El presente documento realizará una revisión de los antecedentes sobre el financiamiento y los aspectos institucionales para el MFC en el ámbito de la Amazonía peruana.

Apoyo de ONU-REDD y ejemplos nacionales sobre la preparación legal para la REDD+

Policy Papers & Briefs
april, 2016

The publication is a small easy to read information booklet laid out in short blocks of text and colourful photographs. It provides clear information in reply to three questions: What is legal preparedness for REDD+? Why are adequate legal frameworks important for the success of REDD+? and Where to start? It concludes with a paragraph under 'UN-REDD support on legal preparedness'.

Prácticas de manejo para el uso múltiple sostenible en bosques comunitarios de la Amazonía peruana. Guía para el facilitador

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2016
Costa Rica

Esta guía ha sido diseñada con el objetivo de desarrollar en los pueblos indígenas capacidades para la gestión de sus bosques de forma eficiente y competitiva, pero respetando sus propios intereses como pobladores, administradores y usuarios de los bosques y sus recursos, así como su identidad cultural marcada por tradiciones ancestrales que impregnan su convivencia y su relación con los recursos naturales.


Manuals & Guidelines
april, 2016

The absence of a clearly defined land use policy in Kenya after years of independence has resulted in a haphazard approach to managing the different land use practices and policy responses. Land use continues to be addressed through many uncoordinated legal and policy frameworks that have done little to unravel the many issues that affect land use management. The Constitution of Kenya 2010, Kenya Vision 2030 and the Sessional Paper No. 3 of 2009 on National Land Policy all call for a clear framework for effectively addressing the challenges related to land use.

Global Land Outlook Writeshop: Summary of Discussions

Conference Papers & Reports
april, 2016

This report provides a brief summary of the discussions in and key findings of the Global Land
Outlook Writeshop that took place 11th - 13th of April 2016 in Amman, Jordan. The writeshop was
organized the CGIAR Research Program on Dryland Systems, in collaboration with the United
Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) and ICARDA.
The purpose of the writeshop was to bring working authors together to discuss and share
knowledge and lessons learned on successful examples of sustainable land management best

Forests and climate change after Paris - An Asia-Pacific perspective

Institutional & promotional materials
april, 2016

The 21st Conference of Parties (COP 21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Paris, France, 30 November to 11 December 2015. COP 21 and the resulting Paris Agreement have been seen by many as a turning point in international climate negotiations. Their implications have been particularly significant in the context of forests. In view of this, forest sector stakeholders in Asia and the Pacific require succinct and accurate information on the outcomes of COP 21 and the Paris Agreement.

A Political Economy of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Mekong Region, Water Alternatives

Journal Articles & Books
april, 2016
South-Eastern Asia

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is an issue of concern to governments, organized civil society groups, as well as business actors in the Mekong region. EIA and related forms of environmental assessments are being carried out throughout the region with varying levels of quality, legal frameworks, monitoring and compliance.


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
april, 2016
Central Asia

This report provides a review of the Armenian mining sector, and assesses its potential to contribute to sustainable economic growth and development. Based on the findings, it provides recommendations for initiatives and actions for the future development of the sector. The report was produced in the period October 2015 to April 2016.