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Do Smallholder, Mixed Crop-Livestock Livelihoods Encourage Sustainable Agricultural Practices? A Meta-Analysis

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2016

As calls for bolstering ecosystem services from croplands have grown more insistent during the past two decades, the search for ways to foster these agriculture-sustaining services has become more urgent. In this context we examine by means of a meta-analysis the argument, proposed by Robert McC. Netting, that small-scale, mixed crop-livestock farming, a common livelihood among poor rural peoples, leads to environmentally sustainable agricultural practices.

Water Resource Software

Reports & Research
Policy Papers & Briefs
maart, 2016
Southern Asia

This document provides an overview of how water resource software’s (WRS) are used to manage water resources issues, criteria for WRS selection, and a high level review of WRS currently available that central and state governments of India can use for water management. The water resource issues covered include water allocation and planning, flood management, groundwater management, conjunctive use, water quality, and sediment transport.

Surface thermal analysis of North Brabant cities and neighbourhoods during heat waves

Peer-reviewed publication
maart, 2016

The urban heat island effect is often associated with large metropolises. However, in the Netherlands even small cities will be affected by the phenomenon in the future (Hove et al., 2011), due to the dispersed or mosaic urbanisation patterns in particularly the southern part of the country: the province of North Brabant.

Community Participation in Decentralized Management of Natural Resources in the Southern Region of Mali

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2016
Western Africa

Decentralized governance of natural resources is considered one of the key strategies for promoting sustainable
management of natural resources at local level. Effective decentralized natural resource management requires
strong local natural resource institutions. Therefore, strengthening local institutions governing the management
of natural resources is one of the core principles of decentralization reforms in Francophone West Africa
countries. This study assessed the existing local institutions (rules, norms and or local conventions) governing


Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
maart, 2016

This Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) identifies the binding constraints to reducing extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity in Ethiopia. Achieving those goals requires a two pronged strategy of building on the strengths of past performance as well as introducing new elements. Progress in rural livelihoods drove poverty reduction in the past and will likely do so in the future. In addition, faster, and more inclusive, private sector-led structural change and ‘getting urbanization right’ are essential going forward.

Resolution No. 271-r of the Cabinet of Ministers validating the National Action Plan for combating land degradation and desertification.

maart, 2016

This Resolution assigns to the competent governmental agencies elaboration and approval of legislative acts related to conservation of soil and improvement of soil fertility, indicators of soil quality, data and information collection related to land degradation, reform of the system of environmental monitoring, rates of afforestation for planting of protection forests with a view of soil protection against desertification and elaboration of water basin management system with drought management plans.

Regional Law No. 888-OZ amending Regional Law No. 968-OZ “On protected areas”.

maart, 2016

Article 5 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Proclamation of natural complexes and sites nature monuments and areas where they are located protected areas shall be performed by decision of Regional Government. In case of necessity the respective land arear and waterbodies can be expropriated for state need in accordance with the modalities envisaged by civil, land and water legislation”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 968-OZ “On protected areas”. (2011-06-29)

Acuerdo Nº 4-2016 ─ Modifica el Acuerdo Nº 768-2014, Reglamento de la Ley de fortalecimiento de la camaricultura.

maart, 2016

El presente Acuerdo modifica el Reglamento de la Ley de fortalecimiento de la camaricultura, respecto a las modalidades del proceso de Licenciamiento Ambiental, en aspectos relacionados con la Unidad Ejecutora del Proyecto Conjunto de Regularización de Fincas Camaroneras, cuyo personal técnico funcionará en las instalaciones físicas de la Secretaría de Agricultura y Ganadería (SAG), y cuya finalidad es permitir a las fincas que se dedican al cultivo del camarón operando en áreas nacionales, regularizar su situación legal y obtener por primera vez o en renovación su concesión o contrato de a

Supporting Global Food Security in a Changing Climate Through Transatlantic Cooperation

maart, 2016

Policy communities in the United States and Europe are increasingly identifying climate change, environmental deterioration, water management, and food security as key concerns for development and global governance. The interplay of these trends is visible in the upheavals across the Middle East, with food riots and water disputes illuminating the region’s food insecurity.