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Acuerdo Nº 21-2015 ─ Reglamento Especial para la Implementación de Mecanismos de Compensación por Bienes y Servicios Ecosistémicos.

maart, 2016

El presente Acuerdo aprueba el Reglamento Especial para la Implementación de Mecanismos de Compensación por Bienes y Servicios Ecosistémicos, que tiene como objetivo general promover la protección, conservación, restauración y uso sostenible de áreas que brindan bienes y servicios ecosistémicos de interés a usuarios directos e indirectos en el territorio nacional a través de la implementación de mecanismos de compensación por bienes y servicios ecosistémicos.Constituyen sus objetivo específicos: 1) Establecer disposiciones, procedimientos, formas e instancias para la financiación, promoción

Myanmar - Flood and Landslide Emergency Recovery Project : indigenous peoples plan : Environmental and social management framework (English)

Reports & Research
maart, 2016

Abstract: "The objective of the Flood and Landslide Emergency Recovery Project for Myanmar is to support recovery in priority disaster-affected areas and, in the event of another eligible crisis or emergency, to provide immediate and effective response to said eligible crisis or emergency. Some of the negative impacts and mitigation measures include: for all projects that are proposed for Bank financing and affect Indigenous Peoples, the Bank requires the borrower to engage in a process of free, prior, and informed consultation.

Resolución Nº 113 - Criterios y lineamientos generales de la Gestión Socio - Predial en los proyectos que requieran la adquisición de predios para la ejecución de obras de mitigación de riesgo o de adaptación al cambio climático a cargo del Fondo Adapt...

maart, 2016

La presente Resolución tiene por objeto establecer los criterios y lineamientos generales de la gestión socio-predial para todos aquellos proyectos a cargo del Fondo Adaptación que requieran la adquisición o afectación de predios para la ejecución de obras de mitigación de riesgo o de adaptación al cambio climático, según criterios y estándares internacionales, constitucionales y legales.

Décret n°2016-0131 P-RM du 7 mars 2016 fixant les attributions spécifiques des membres du gouvernement.

maart, 2016

Le présent décret fixe les attributions spécifiques des membres du Gouvernement. Les ministres exercent, chacun, leurs attributions spécifiques en concertation avec les ministres qui en sont concernés ou intéressés. Ces concertations doivent être menées avant la saisine du Secrétariat général du Gouvernement des projets de texte ou de documents de politique nationale.

Vulnerability to climate change of cocoa in West Africa: patterns, opportunities and limits to adaptation

Journal Articles & Books
maart, 2016
Sierra Leone
Western Africa

The West African cocoa belt, reaching from Sierra Leone to southern Cameroon, is the origin of about 70% of the world's cocoa (Theobroma cacao), which in turn is the basis of the livelihoods of about two million farmers. We analyze cocoa's vulnerability to climate change in the West African cocoa belt, based on climate projections for the 2050s of 19 Global Circulation Models under the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change intermediate emissions scenario RCP 6.0.

Forestry Contribution to National Economy and Trade in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

Reports & Research
februari, 2016

The economic contributions of forests in Eastern African countries have not received the desired attention in terms of policy and budgetary allocation needed for sustained growth of these forests. This, among other reasons, has led to the reduction of forest zones and an increase in the import of forest-related products, resulting in dwindling foreign currency reserves.


Journal Articles & Books
februari, 2016

A Land Information Management System (LIMS) is an information system that enables the capture, management, and analysis of geographically referenced land-related data in order to produce land information for decision-making in land administration and management. The system is a Geospatial Information System (GIS) driven for the purposes of handling and managing parcel based information. The Republic of Kenya, located in East Africa, ranks 33rd in the world in terms of population with 38.6 million people and has a land area of 224,081 square miles.

Climate change and agriculture: Strengthening the role of smallholders

Peer-reviewed publication
februari, 2016

Smallholder farmers have a vital role to play in global food security and nutrition, and in supporting a range of development and climate change goals. Strengthening the resilience and commercial viability of these farmers, particularly women and youth, can increase their capacity to contribute to these global goals.

Linking livelihood and ecosytem change in two dryland sites in South Africa over a period of 30 years

Reports & Research
februari, 2016
Southern Africa

The ongoing and rapid change (from global to local level) in climate, populations, governments, cultures, environment, land use and economies are critical issues, especially for poor rural communities found in the dryland parts of southern Africa.


Reports & Research
februari, 2016

A summary of the findings of a study of land degradation assessment (LADA) with remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems (GIS), and its implications for sustainable land management (SLM) in Kenya is presented. The assessment was conducted over a 6-month period in July-December 2015. The need for the LADA is in line with the Kenya Government’s strong interest in moving towards a country programmatic approach, for sustainable land management (SLM).

Décret exécutif n° 16-83 du 21 Joumada El Oula 1437 correspondant au 1er mars 2016 fixant les modalités d’élaboration du plan d’aménagement du territoire de wilaya.

februari, 2016

Le présent décret fixe les modalités d’élaboration du plan d’aménagement du territoire de wilaya, en application des dispositions de l’article 54 de la loi n° 01-20 du 27 Ramadhan 1422 correspondant au 12 décembre 2001 relative à l’aménagement et au développement durable du territoire.Le plan d’aménagement du territoire de wilaya est un instrument de mise en œuvre de la politique d’aménagement et de développement durable sur le territoire de la wilaya ayant pour objectif d’assurer la cohérence entre : les instruments hiérarchisés d’aménagement du territoire situés en amont : le schéma natio

Decree-Law No. 14/2016 approving the Regulation on the preparation and implementation process of the Plans for the Management of Coastal Zones and the Adjacent Sea (POOC_M).

februari, 2016
Cape Verde

This Decree-Law, consisting of 7 Chapters and three Annexes, regulates the preparation and implementation process of the Plans for the Management of Coastal Zones and the Adjacent Sea (POOC_M). This Plans are territorial management tools containing a set of actions for the coastal zone management, which interventions are planned for the terrestrial areas, referred as 'onshore', and areas called as 'adjacent sea areas'.