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Manam Resettlement Authority Act 2016 (No. 2 of 2016).

juni, 2016
Papua New Guinea

This Act establishes the Manam Resettlement Authority, defines its duties and powers and provides with respect to its administration and operation. The Authority shall be a body corporate and shall identify and acquire land for the resettlement of displaced persons in Manam Island. and shall be instrumental in aid and resettlement of people affected by disaster in Manam. The Department of Provincial and Local-level Government Affairs shall monitor the performance of the Authority.

European Union (Framework for Maritime Spatial Planning) Regulations 2016 (S.I. No. 352 of 2016).

juni, 2016

These Regulations give effect in Irish law to Directive No. 2014/89/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning by establishing the necessary legal basis for the Minister to implement maritime spatial planning. The Regulations designate the Minister as the competent authority for the purposes of the Directive and provide the broad framework within which the Minister will implement maritime spatial planning.

Order No. 375 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology validating the Regulation on reforestation.

juni, 2016

This Order establishes the modalities of reforestation with a view of restoration of deforested, destroyed and damaged forest areas. The scope of reforestation shall be restoration of forest plantations, conservation of biological diversity and conservation of environmental values of forests. Reforestation shall be performed in natural, artificial and combined (combination of natural and artificial reforestation) manner. Reforestation shall be performed on (a) forest plots allotted on lease for timber extraction; and (b) on other forest plots by state bodies and local government.

Ley Nº 9373 - Protección a los ocupantes de zonas clasificadas como especiales.

juni, 2016
Costa Rica

La presente Ley de Protección a los ocupantes de zonas clasificadas como especiales, establece que por el plazo de veinticuatro meses se suspenderá el desalojo de personas, demolición de obras, actividades y proyectos en la zona marítima terrestre, zona fronteriza y patrimonio natural del Estado, salvo aquellas que sean ordenadas mediante resolución judicial o administrativa en firme, fundamentándose en la comisión de daño ambiental o cuando exista peligro o amenaza de daño al medio ambiente.

Ley Orgánica de Ordenamiento Territorial, Uso y Gestión de Suelo.

juni, 2016

La presente Ley Orgánica de Ordenamiento Territorial, Uso y Gestión de Suelo, tiene por objeto fijar los principios y reglas generales que rigen el ejercicio de las competencias de ordenamiento territorial, uso y gestión del suelo urbano y rural, y su relación con otras que incidan significativamente sobre el territorio o lo ocupen, para que se articulen eficazmente, promuevan el desarrollo equitativo y equilibrado del territorio y propicien el ejercicio del derecho a la ciudad, al hábitat seguro y saludable, y a la vivienda adecuada y digna, en cumplimiento de la función social y ambiental

Republic of Cameroon

Reports & Research
Training Resources & Tools
juni, 2016

Cameroon is a lower-middle income country with social indicators and levels of poverty which are below those for comparator countries. Large and rising inequalities between north and south, inefficiencies in public resource allocation and an adverse business environment explain this. While insecurity due to Boko Haram activities and rapidly rising public debt constrain efforts at poverty reduction, there exists a huge potential for economic growth and poverty reduction. This potential remains mostly untapped.

Reducing land degradation and farmers’ vulnerability to climate change in the highland dry areas of north-western Ethiopia

Institutional & promotional materials
juni, 2016
Eastern Africa

The document presents research activities on Mitigating Soil Erosion and Water Scarcity, Increasing Farmers’ Adaptation Capacity to Climate Change in the Highland dry areas of Ethiopia

Ley Nº 20.930 – Establece el derecho real de conservación medioambiental.

juni, 2016

La presente Ley establece el marco jurídico que reconoce y regula el derecho real de conservación medioambiental. Se trata de un derecho real que faculta a su titular a conservar el patrimonio ambiental de un predio o de ciertos atributos o funciones de éste. Este derecho se constituye en forma libre y voluntaria por el propietario del predio en beneficio de una persona natural o jurídica determinada. La facultad de conservar se ejercerá de conformidad a las normas establecidas en esta Ley y en el contrato constitutivo.

Strengthening urban resilience in African cities: Understanding and addressing urban risk

Reports & Research
juni, 2016

Author: Robyn Pharoah/ActionAid

The population of Africa’s cities is growing rapidly. But as poor people cram into towns and cities characterised by limited, weak and often under-resourced infrastructure, they are increasingly relegated to marginal, inadequately serviced, informal settlements and low-cost housing areas, leaving them vulnerable to numerous livelihood, health and security risks.

Coastal Management Act 2016.

juni, 2016

The objects of this Act are to manage the coastal environment of New South Wales in a manner consistent with the principles of ecologically sustainable development for the social, cultural and economic well-being of the people of the State, and in particular: (a) to protect and enhance natural coastal processes and coastal environmental values including natural character, scenic value, biological diversity and ecosystem integrity and resilience, and (b) to support the social and cultural values of the coastal zone and maintain public access, amenity, use and safety, and (c) to acknowledge A